Part 7 At the warehouse

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(A few hours earlier)

Shaggy gets out of the car in front of a warehouse surrounded by shady looking people men and women alike dressed in black suits with different patterns yet the same looking ties around their necks.

Just before he closes the car door shaggy reaches down to the gas paddle and pulls it forward making the cover of a hidden compartment pops up.

After fully opening the led he takes out the small briefcase from inside then shuts it back and the door along with it.

As shaggy approaches, the warehouse one of the women who's mix in with the crowd sees him and meets him halfway in the shadow of the parking lot.

"Jennifer" shaggy calls out to her just before she stops before him and crosses her arms; "is that all I get for waiting on you for the past 9 hours-" Jennifer was cut off by shaggy pulling her into himself as he firmly grips on to her body and hair giving her deep kiss.

While Jennifer's eyes were closed as she holds on to shaggy enjoy every second of the kiss; while shaggy eyes remain open the entire time.

The look of boredom in his eyes clearly shows the lack of interest in her.

Shaggy stops kissing her and pull away; as Jennifer's eyes open looking barely yet satisfied at the same time, with the kiss.

"Update me on the new, recruit, " shaggy says to her the moment their lips disconnected. Jennifer was obviously, not happy; that, that's the first thing he said right after the kiss, but shaggy never care about how she feels when it comes to that and she knows, not to push her boundaries with him.

Jennifer starts to straighten up her clothes as she then gets down to business.

" 34 four were accepted but only 16 of them passes the main test..." Jennifer says as she handing shaggy the power scented wipes to clean the lipstick off his mouth.

"What about the rats?" Shaggy asked Jennifer while the men and women in black lines up like soldiers and bodyguards for a V.I.P.

"We were able to locate them and the ones that were following you from the bar" Jennifer reply to him without delay.

"Welcome back boss!" Like a choir they all greeted him. And of course shaggy answered back in his own, cocky way just for the fun of it "yeah, yeah it's good to be back..."

Shaggy signals them to get back to work as he continues his sentence saying "...but seriously guys what kinda hell training did you put the poor suckers through in the past 2 days I wasn't here?"

Everyone starts laughing at what he said and a random person in the mix shouts " better us than you boss" even shaggy starts to laugh at this point "yeah, yeah I heard yah, Hector! And I'll see you at the training hall on Tuesday!.."

As he said that one of the fresh recruits caught his eyes.

"Jennifer" shaggy calls her name and the woman looks up at him as she heard the sound of it and answer " yes Sir?".

"What's the name of that recruit?" He asked and she just answers and asks " which one?"

"The one with dye orange hair next to the old vending machines," he says as Jennifer looks at him and checks her list before she answers him "...ahh, his name is Rodger wicker" she answered still look at his information, "did he signed his signature?" Shaggy asks again and she just answers him " yes he did"

"Show it to me" she flips a few more pages and hands it to him.

Shaggy scans, his eyes over the signature, and a sudden smile appears on his face as he tells Jennifer to " bring him around back "

shaggy x daphne: drunking loveWhere stories live. Discover now