wide eyes - chapter 9

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mark walked in. "hhhellllooo-" his eyes caught onto you and ethan standing there, his lips on your neck and his hand around your throat. ethan pulled away. "fuck." he muttered. you could see the anger building in mark's eyes. "you guys said that you would NEVER." he took in a deep breath. "BUT YOU DID." ethan turned to face mark. "listen." but mark didn't want to listen. he began talking again. "i knew this was gonna happen eventually. i just wanted you guys to date or something. but you took it too far." you sighed. mark was being insane. "mark, you can't expect two people who have a strong emotional connection not to have sex or participate in anything remotely sexual together." ethan nodded. "exactly.
you're being paranoid for no reason. it was going to happen anyways, so why are you being crazy about it now?" mark shook his head. "at least don't do it when people are home, man. the least you could do was lock the door or some shit." ethan chuckled. "mark. you had sex with amy all the fucking time when elle wasn't here. with the door wide open, must i add. you even fucked ON THE COUCH when i was home." mark's eyes widened. "well- you guys are different. you both just started to become friends and build a special bond and then you slept together? all in my house? in the span of three fucking days?" oh. my. god. it's 2 on 1, and clearly 2 are winning. you opened your mouth before ethan did. "first of all, it's not our fault we're so attracted to each other that we bonded immediately. it's not our fault it turned sexual really quickly. second of all, this isn't just your house, it's ethan's too. he chips in on paying the taxes and bills and all that shit with his own youtube revenue. finally, third of all, why do you have a problem with it if we're using protection and not bothering you?" mark sighed. "i can hear you guys moaning and the headboard banging from downstairs. with the protection part, i really couldn't care less if you get pregnant or not, as long as i'm not involved." you saw ethan squirm uncomfortably. "you guys did the same shit to me when it was just me here. you guys were fucking on the couch and moaning and screaming and all that shit. get over it." mark stepped closer to ethan. "and? that doesn't mean you can fucking moan like a blue whale every 2 seconds." ethan's brows knitted together. "why do you even care? it's my sex life, get out of it and stop telling me what to do. you're such a fucking control freak." in that moment mark raised his fist. before he could yell, you broke the tension. "GUYS!" you deeply inhaled. "please just fucking sort this out and respect each other. mark, i'd advise you to get the fuck out." mark just sighed, the fury fading from his body. "you're right. i'll talk to you guys later." he slammed the door behind him. looking over at ethan, he was downright pissed. "ethan- he's just being an asshole. don't bother. genuinely." he clenched his eyes together and opened them. "...alright. i just don't understand what's so wrong with us having sex, baby." he called me baby. he called me baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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