Chapter 1. Starstruck

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I scowl as I view my complexion in the mirror. God, I absolutely despised acne. Who the hell gave it the right to just invade your face like that? I squeezed at the skin surrounding the zit before my roommate, Vanessa, walked in the bathroom, surprising me and causing me to flinch.

"Ew, don't do that. You're gonna make it worse." She says, nodding at me. "Use a bit of concealer. Just not too much or it's gonna get huge."

"I can't help it." I respond, turning around to face her with a sigh. I cross my arms, leaning against the sink. "I'm out of high school and acne still thinks we're in a relationship." Vanessa laughs.

"I feel ya, kid." Kid? Who was she calling a kid? I was older than her by two months. If anything, she was the kid. "But hey, listen, get out of your Spongebob PJ's and throw something on, okay?"

"Why?" I ask, my brows raised. What did she want this time?

"I need you to go to Walmart for me." As soon as my lips part to protest, she speaks up again. "Zach is coming over and I totally forgot. I was just about to leave when he texted. But it's really important, pwease?"

"What's so important that you're sending me after?" I ask.

"It's that time of month and we ran out of tampons." She snorts. "Like, I have one but I'm not going to reuse-"

"EW, okay. I get it. I'll go." I groan, disgusted. She gives me a thumbs up before smiling.

"I wuv you."

"Yeah, okay, whatever you say."

So I get out of my pajamas, shower, blow dry my hair quickly, and throw on sweatpants and an oversized sweater with my hair up in a messy ponytail. I put my glasses on and look in the mirror once more.

"Ew." I say, scrunching my face at my reflection. I leave anyhow.


At the store, I look around the personal needs area, my eyes scanning the shelves closely. As I spot the type of tampons Vanessa needs, I grab them and quickly walk off to check out.

"Anna?" I hear a familiar voice say. I spin around, my eyes widening.

Oh, God. Not him. Not my ex, James. Especially not him when I look like I just came out from the dumpster.

"Hey, stranger." I tease with a smirk on my face, though it feels as if he were really a stranger. After the breakup, we lost contact, and that was a year ago in my senior year of high school.

I thought I was in love at the time.

"How you been?" He grins as he walks closer towards me, his arms out wide as he embraces me in a hug. But not like the ones he used to give me, not like the ones couples give each other. No. It was like he was hugging a "bro". He pat my back causing me to grin awkwardly.

"Um, good, good! Yourself?"

"Great! I, uh, I got engaged." He says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he keeps his attention on me. Part of me wants to burst out laughing while another part of me feels dead.

James? Engaged? That's why we broke up. Because he never could take our relationship seriously. He didn't want to commit to anything, and I caught him with other girls a few times but gullible me always ended up forgiving him. But maybe he had changed due to this girl, maybe he had settled down. Maybe he knew this time for sure that he was in love.

"Really? That's awesome! I'm happy for you, Jimmy." This whole thing felt so forced and scripted. Honestly, I just wanted to take off and pretend this whole exchange of words never occured.

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