Chapter 7. Hot Chocolate

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Since I'm already wearing an oversized tee, I just throw on some old jeans, an oversized sweater, and slip on my Toms, then quietly grab my purse and tiptoe my way out the door.
Kian's car pulls up as I quietly walk across the wooden floor, trying not to wake Vanessa. My phone vibrates in my hand.
Kian: im hereeeeeeeeee
I open the front door slowly, but it creaks loudly, so I sneak out quickly and shut it behind me. I take a deep breath and walk towards the car, opening the passenger door and sliding in carefully.
"Hey." I whisper, glancing over at Kian before putting my seatbelt on. He gives me a warm smile, and though it's freezing outside his smile is enough to heat me up right away. After he hears the click, he takes off slowly.
"So, what should we rebels do?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the road while my eyes are on him. "Wanna go to Starbucks?"
"White girl." I mumble under my breath causing him to laugh. His laugh echoes in my ears and I grin.
"Oh my God," He mocks. "You don't like Starbucks? Who the f doesn't like Starbucks? Get OUT of my car, girl!" I laugh, my laugh sounding like a dehydrated mouse, squeaky and dry. At the end I snort and it gets quiet as I quickly clasp a hand over my mouth, Kian laughing harder than ever. GREAT.
"That's adorable!" He continues laughing. "Holy crap."
"No it wasn't." I say quietly, letting out a small laugh only because of his own. He glances over at me, shaking his head with a smile.
"Okay, so Starbucks?"
We get out of his car, jogging up the small steps leading to the coffee shop, which is packed with more people than I expected.
"What do you want?" He asks, crossing his arms as he licks his lips, his eyes remaining on the menu. I stutter.
"U-um..." I begin. "You're gonna make fun of me."
"Why?" He laughs, his eyes now focused on mine. "Just tell me."
"Can't I just order it and-"
"ANNA." He interrupts, pulling me close and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I squirm to get free, but his grip only gets tighter. "Not until you tell me." I groan, then laugh as he smirks down at me.
"FINE. A vente hot chocolate with extra whip cream... And sprinkles on top." He lets go finally.
"Really?" He asks. I nod, blushing, embarrassed at my gluttony. He smiles. "Why're you embarrassed? Like I'm really gonna judge you based on what you get from Starbucks." He laughs. "Come on. I'm paying."
It's our turn in line to order and as we near the cashier, I can't help but notice an old lady at a nearby table staring at us. She smiles at me, then sips her coffee. I smile back even though I'm a bit freaked out. Maybe I reminded her of someone? Like her granddaughter?
"Can we get a vente hot chocolate with extra whip cream and sprinkles on top? Actually make that two vente hot chocolates with extra whip cream and sprinkles on top." Kian says, glancing over at me with a cocky smirk on his face. I roll my eyes. The cashier begins typing on the screen.
"Okay... Two vente hot chocolates with extra whip cream and sprinkles on top, right?" We nod in reply. "And your names?"
"Katniss and Peeta." Kian replies before I can. My eyes widen, my jaw drops. I can tell he's trying not to crack up right now, even though the cashier loses it.
"That'll be ten fifty-three, please." He chuckles as Kian hands him the change. "And may the odds be ever in your favor."
As we walk away I smack his shoulder, and he finally lets out the laugh he'd been holding. I end up laughing, too. "You dork!" I say, and he looks at me seriously.
"You gotta yell I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE when they call for Katniss, got it? Otherwise this will have been for nothing." I shake my head as we sit down across from each other at a small table.
"You be Katniss!" I say furrowing my brows, crossing my arms and he mimics me.
"Excuse me," I hear a voice say. Our heads shoot up almost in unison only to find the same old lady who had been staring at us earlier now standing right in front of us. "But I've been meaning to tell you, you two kids are adorable together." She smiles at us, patting Kian's shoulder, whose head slowly turns to look at me, a sweet smile on his face. I return it, turning my head back to the old woman.
"We're not together, actually." I say.
"Oh, really? I'm sorry. Well that's a shame." She sighs, looking at me and then at Kian. "You should be."
I had never come across an eighty year old fangirl before.
"You think so?" Kian asks, smiling up at her. His eyes meet mine and I gasp quietly as he grabs my hand from across the table. "Well maybe."
"He's a keeper." She mouths at me. I blush. "You remind me of my husband. He's right over there." She points at an empty table, the one she had previously been sitting in, and as Kian and I look over our shoulders we spot nothing. He squeezes my hand tight, and for some reason, I automatically squeeze back. "His name's Billy. He was a fine young man back when I first met him, a lot like you."
"I'm sure." Kian's smile fades slowly as we both realize the sad truth: Billy was dead. And this old lady believed he was still there.
"Yep. Well we best be on our way now, leave you youngsters alone. It was nice." She waves goodbye before slowly walking away, and I swallow the growing lump in my throat, almost wanting to cry.
"Oh my gosh, Kian, that's so sad." I whisper, looking down. He still hasn't let go of my hand.
"They were so in love not even death can separate them." He says. "I mean it's kinda sad, but when you think about it..." I look up at him to find a sparkle in his eyes, and I nod, clearing my throat.
"Vente hot chocolate with extra whip cream and sprinkles on top for... Katniss?"
"Say it now!" Kian lets go of my hand, pounding the table. "This is your chance! It's your time to shine!"
"I volunteer as tribute!" I shoot up, my hand raised. Kian spins around to see the reactions of the employees. Some annoyed, some laughing, some grinning widely.
"Peeta?" The employee holding my drink says, picking up another.
"KATNISS!" Kian shoots up across from me, almost falling back down in his seat which causes me to laugh. He laughs along with me and for a second it feels like it's just us in the room. Then we remember we're not alone and we go grab our drinks.
"Thanks." Kian says, grabbing both of the drinks before handing me mine.
"Have a nice day." I tell the workers as Kian and I walk out.
"I've never had their hot chocolate before. Is it good?" Kian begins to ask as he looks at me, sipping his hot chocolate. Before I can yell at him that it's hot, he immediately spits it out on the ground, and I cover my mouth to stifle a giggle.
"HOLY SH...hhh" He wipes his mouth off, coughing a bit. I can't suppress my laughter any longer.
"IT'S CALLED HOT CHOCOLATE FOR A REASON!" I'm still laughing, and I can see the grin spreading on his face before he laughs, too. He glances over my shoulder inside the store before grabbing my arm and dragging me away.
"Let's go before they call the cops on us. They probably think we're drunk." He laughs even harder.
"I don't blame them."
We get into his car and as I put my seatbelt on and he puts on his, our eyes meet and the world seems to stop. Our laughter becomes an awkward silence and I can hear his gulp.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks. I nod, trying to calm my breathing.
"You're gonna think I'm weird." He grins.
"I already think you're weird." I smirk, and he bites his lip. I laugh quietly and then he smiles, causing me to stop laughing and smile back. He clears his throat.
"You're really pretty." He says, his voice almost a whisper. "Just saying."
"Really?" I feel my heart about to burst out my chest. He nods, placing a hand on the steering wheel but not doing anything. He looks back at me.
"Why do you seem so surprised?"
"I don't know. It just came out of the blue."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make things awkward, but I just thought you should know..."
"You didn't. You made my day, actually... Thanks." I bite my lip to conceal a smile, to conceal a squeal, as I stare down at my lap.
Kian thought I was pretty. Maybe I wasn't, maybe I was actually really ugly, maybe everyone else found me hideous: but none of that mattered right now. Because Kian, the guy I may or may not like, called me pretty. To my face. I'd never forget that.

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