Chapter 6: Rendezvous

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As I lie in bed staring at my ceiling, Vanessa snoring away, the screen of my phone suddenly lights up, causing me to quickly turn on my side and grab it.

It's a text. From Kian. At two in the morning? Really? Well, what was I saying... I was awake, after all. I shouldn't be judging.

Kian: hey, u probably wont see this til u wake up, but what should i wear? 

I quickly type back my response.

Me: idk what I'm even planning on wearing.....

Kian: oh, so you ARE awake. in that case ... hi :)

Me: Yep. hi there

Kian: why arent u asleep?

Me: why aren't YOU?

It's like I can just sense the smirk on his face as the speech bubble pops up.

Kian: touche ;) so u think we should dress fancy?

Me: do you?

Kian: i asked u first ,, ur the lady here

I shake my head, a smile on my face.

Me: well i'll find out when james gives me more details, ok?

Kian: all right :)

Kian: oh, and u WERE already awake right? i didnt wake u? im sorry if i did ...

Me: no, you didn't. i was already awake 

Kian: ok good :P

Me: i'm really bored.. vanessa is snoring... and its keeping me up... :/

He takes a while to respond. I wait in anticipation, occasionally glancing over at Vanessa to make sure she isn't awake, that she isn't secretly watching me with a smirk on her face. I swear, she has a sixth sense. She always knows when it's a boy I'm thinking about, or talking to. Either that or I'm a horrible liar, making up some lame excuse and insisting that it ISN'T a boy. Probably both.

Kian: same. you wanna go for a drive? maybe stop somewhere and grab a bite and then go to the park or something?

I immediately feel like my ribs are crushing my lungs, my lungs being sucked in, no oxygen being taken in. He could advise, like anyone else, for me to just lay there with my eyes closed and wait, or count sheep, or something stupid that never works for me. But no. He decided to go out of his way to cure my boredom at two in the morning.

Me: Are you sure that's a good idea? It's freezing lol

Yes, Anna, yes! It was a good idea. You'd get to talk to him some more, get to know him better. Didn't you want that? I tell myself.

Kian: true, but even when its hotter than hell in the summer that doesnt stop you from having fun, does it? ;)

Me: I'll bring a jacket just in case...

I bite my lip, knowing he won this one.

Kian: i have an extra one, too, just in case

Me: okay. :) You need my address dont you?

He quickly has an answer.

Kian: nopeee :P jc got it from vanessa. apparently while we were up in my room he asked her out, so now he's taking her out today. theyre gonna go see a movie i think

Me: What?! She didn't tell me... I'm gonna have a lot of fun teasing her about it... ;)

Kian: :P what a great friend

Me: I know right. Hey, when you pull up, be rly quiet. Nessa is sound asleep and if u wake her up she's gonna be pissed at the both of us..

Kian: haha, got it. be there in ten, sleeping beauty ;)

His words cause me to kick my feet as a huge grin spreads across my lips, my face turning a bright red, I'm sure. I try my best not to let out a loud squeal though it's hard. Good thing Vanessa's asleep, otherwise she'd be laughing her butt off at me right now, trying desperately to grab my phone from my tight grip.

I don't know if it was from the cold air blowing through my window, or from my excitement, but whatever it was caused me to get goosebumps all over my skin.

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