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——— 13:44 , YUUEI COLLEGE ———

"What the actual fuck? Who says that to people?" A black haired female says, her face full of disgust. I nod in response, "Yeah, it was weird."

"How are you so calm about this? I would've slapped him so hard with my bag.." She scowled. I only chuckled at her 'violent' thoughts.

"It doesn't really bother me. I mean, it's rude of him, sure, but I just find it funny to be honest."

Momo smiled at my comment and started to laugh herself. Momo was someone who I felt I could spill all of my thoughts out to, and she wouldn't care about what I said. Most of the time, I talked to her so I could vent out my thoughts, but it was also nice to have normal conversations with her.

"Have you written that review yet?" She asks as we stands from our seats.

"No, I need his name first..."

As we walked, Momo looked at me with a knowing look; I could only smirk, "Shoto, you shouldn't - no, you can't go back to that perverted guy! I forbid yo—" She was silenced as I placed my index finger on her lips, but she only angrily glared at me.

"Momo, just because I'm younger than you, does it mean you have to babysit me. I'm a grown university student that is capable of making good decisions." Lifting my finger from her lips, I laughed and continued back to class.

"Sho, you may be smart but sometimes you are also plain stupid. Also, I'm not babying you, only looking out for you." Momo shouted to me as she ran towards me, slowing to my pace.

"Then whats the point of having 'mom' in 'Momo'?"

Her cheeks grew slightly pink, but she shrugged it off and nudged my shoulder playfully. We laughed our way back to the classrooms, before bidding our goodbyes and head in on our own paths.

".. Take notes of chapters 67 to 71 for Thursday. Alright, be on your ways." Our sleep-deprived teacher called out before wiping the board clean.

The class stood up and followed suit, loud shouts echoing through the hallways.

'Great, the end of the day. I can go back to the donut place to get the guys name.'

I honestly don't know why I'm doing this; Mom-o bird was right, I'm stupid.

But hey, what's life without some guy trying to hit you up with some donut pick up lines?

With one of my bag straps on my shoulder, I made my way to the local Krispy Kreme shop. As I looked through one of the windows, I couldn't see a sign of the ash-blonde pervert. Exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding, I grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

Walking towards the counter, I see the cashier is a guy with red and spiky hair - similar to the ash-blondes - who has his back facing me, like before.

He seemed to be talking on the phone, so I tapped his shoulder and he swiftly turned around. When he saw me, his eyes widened slightly before he smirked and said something into his phone then quickly hung up, his eyes now on me.

"Hey! Welcome to your local Krispy Kremes." His tone was already much lighter and joyful than the others,

"Uh, hi. So, um.. I wasn't actually here to order, but to ask for a name of an employee here?" I mentally scolded myself for how weird that sounded, but the red-head seemed unfazed by it.

"Oh! What for, if I may ask?"

"Um, when I was here last night, there was a guy here - an employee - and he.. how do I put this.. he was using some questionable pick up lines that made me slightly uncomfortable. He also harassed me..? But not, like, sexually or anything! He just grabbed my wrist and pinned it down then—"

The guy raised his hand as a signal for me to stop talking. His eyes were wide before silently turning and going into a push door. A few seconds later, her returned with a clipboard full of names and phone numbers.

"Could you describe how he looks? It would help with me finding the guy." The red-head gave me a toothy grin — despite how he looked before — then looking back at the clipboard.

"Okay.. he had ash-blonde hair, quite spiky.. almost like yours," I started, waiting for him to give me a signal to keep going. He skimmed through the names, but his eyes didn't really seem to be moving that much. I shrugged it off and continued describing the man, "He was slightly taller than me.. erm, he had red eyes? I don't know whether they're contacts."

He hummed in approvement before looking back at his clipboard. Again, his eyes didn't move a lot. I slightly leaned over and looked where his eyes were,


"Katsuki. That's me, Candy Cane." I froze. It was that same gruff voice from last night.

I quickly turned around and was met with the ruby red eyes of the ash-blonde pervert from last night.

"It's the ash-blonde pervert." I subconsciously mumbled, which he seemed to have heard.

"The fuck did you call me candy cane?!" He growled, literally. His face grew angry as he stomped towards me and the red head. Not knowing what to do, I hid my face in my hands and prepared for impact.

boom-bada-boom baby, 3rd chapter done :)

this is so fun to write, oml. i should be studying but whatever, it's almost the end of the semester for me.

okay, so nothing else important to really say, so ciao people,

~ miiraqle

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