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——— 15:56 , KRISPY KREME ———

"Bakugou, why did you use a lame pick up line on me?"

Fuck. Why did he ask this?

If I were honest, I really don't know why. Sure, Kirishima said I should try my hand at dating, but I wasn't actually interested in having a relationship.

For one, it's already hard to keep up a platonic relationship with me, and I've been reminded of that most days from my weird-ass friends.

They like to call themselves the 'Bakusquad'. Not that I'd admit it, but I'm great full that they made me the leader.

Moving along.

Attention; it's important in most relationships. It would help improve the general connection you have to your partner as well as the intimacy. However, I probably wouldn't give a fuck about them sometimes.

I also wouldn't have time for anyone 'cause of my work time; I've got late-shifts.

Firstly, it wouldn't leave time for me to talk to my partner as you'd expect them to be asleep. Secondly, I'm always pissed in the morning, so you'd rather not see me anyway.

It doesn't work. It won't work.

Anyway, back to the question at hand:

"Bakugou, why did you use a lame pick up line on me?"

"Why not? It's funny to see people's stupid reactions, and I seemed to get one out of you." I could feel a smug grin grow on my face as a scowl grew on Candy Cane's.

"Okay, then why use that one on me? We didn't know each other beforehand."

"Candy Cane, do you not know why people — like myself — use them? So we get to know other people. That's the whole point. I used one in you, and know look at us, we're talking."

He looked at me surprise for a second before he looked away with embarrassment?

Then, it clicked.

"Half n' Half, have you ever been hit on?"

His eyes seemed to grow wide with fear, but then he quickly regained his composure, "... no, not really." He said while he shifted his face so it was covered with his hair, almost making my heart skip a beat.

"WHAT?! YOU'VE NEVER BEEN HIT ON?!" Shitty hair practically screamed in my ear while grabbing my shoulders. Annoyed, I shrugged his hands off making him pout slightly.

"Well, count mine as a first." I smirked at him, making him look back up.

Half n' Half giggled for a second — hang on, he giggled? He looked so relaxed when he did so, and that made my heart skip a few beats.

We locked eyes for a seconds before he immediately stopped and I looked away. An awkward tension started to build in the air again, until Shitty Hair broke it, "Am I the only one feeling the sexual tension between you two?"

Let's just say it resulted in a good amount of screaming and hits from me and an incredibly red Candy Cane.

Not like I'm complaining though.

Half n' Half ended up staying a little longer than expected in the shop. When no one came in, we all sat at the booth and talked about random topics, from favourite foods to our favourite places to go, the basic get-to-know questions.

From our conversations, I learnt that his I-can-have-this-any-day-of-the-week food was
cold — no, frozen soba. Absolutely fucking freezing. I also know that he has a secret sweet tooth, especially for donuts and cupcakes.

I also learnt that his actual hair colour is white, and he added red during a school event and he decided to just keep dying it half red, half white. Honestly, I can't imagine him being with only white hair.

I was seated comfortably on the window side while Shitty Hair got the edge, making him the one who has to do orders. Either way, he would have probably been the one to do the orders since I was too engrossed in Half n' Half, not like I'd say that to either of them.

By 16:21, Shitty Hair came back to the booth looking exhausted. Half n' Half and I raised our eyes brows while Shitty Hair spoke, "God, the last customer had a baby who kept on screeching and squeezing his milk at me! And the lady didn't do shit!" He lifted his work apron to reveal a puddle of milk in the centre, as well as on his shoulder.

He groaned and took off his apron and tossed it on the hanger, grabbed his bag of belongings and turned towards us, "Bakubro, imma head out now. I've stayed here long enough and took care of some of your customers." He was obviously referring to the milk puddle incident. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the cash register, and he wasted no time in grabbing five bucks.

As he left, Half n' Half also stood up, "Yeah, I've got homework to do so I'm going to have to go now." He smiled at me before shuffling out of the booth and towards the door.

Before he left, he yelled "Also, thanks for your name, Bakugou! Now I've got a name to a review and rating!" He smirked before opening and closing the door and walking away.

Shitty Hair came back and smirked at me, but i was only frowning, "Dude, he seems like your type."

I didn't respond but instead ignored him, still looking outside. He tilted his head and was about to ask a question but I butted in, "Did he only come here and spend time here only to grab my name for that shitty review? Was all of that fake stuff?"

He looked like he was about to start disagreeing from me, but ended up closing his mouth and silently standing there. Eventually, he started walking past me, muttering a small 'see ya' before walking out the door, leaving me to ponder what had happened today.

Was I happy that he came? Yes.

Did I enjoy being with him? Yes, obviously.

Do I think he just came to get my name? ...Yes.

I didn't really want to know the answer to the last one.

sad bakubro :'(

eheheh i feel like my writing is getting shittier and shittier each time a chapter comes out.

besides from that, i promise this is going to start getting somewhere!! there will (hopefully) be a plot soon enough, be patient

that's basically it, so have a lovely day!

~ miiraqle

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