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A/N: I hope you like this part! read and review! and thanks to everyone who dm'd me to ask about my wellbeing, or broke silence to appreciate my stories, means so much! here you go! <3 


He found it bizarre.

The small girl he saw grow up, who had to be held so tight by him for her every vaccination injections, the girl that was always outside her class kneeling whenever he had football practice, the girl that always sang in family functions, her eyes twinkling... was right in front of him, years later.

Look at her now, he chuckled. She used to be so petiteand fragile, but never acted like it, she was usually a firecracker. But withhim she never made a sound or fuss. Even with Jeeva, she would converse andjoke, given that he initiated the conversation first. Kannan and her were usually very chummy if they did meet somewhere. To be honest he could still remember her teaching Kanna on how make a paper plane or play chess. But with Kathir, it was always a smile. Just a smile with brilliant eyes.

He had often wondered if she'd ever talk to him if he had initiated a conversation, but he didn't know how to talk to her. They were in different classes, so academics were not it. He knew their interests were different too, he loved football while she liked to sing, as far as he could tell that is. So whenever they were at the same vicinity, she'd fix her gaze anywhere but at him, and he'd fix his on hers, sometimes on intrigue of how one can be so lively and joyful, sometimes on admiration of her voice, she was truly such a beautiful and soulful singer, and most of the time in hope, that someday she does find an interest to talk to him at some point, as he was always shy to start one.

But years had passed by, school ended and so did their faint superficial connection of only being in the same vicinity came to an end. Their lives took a different turn, and to Mullai's dismay and outrage, she had heard that Kathir was not going to be continuing further studies. And to Kathir's peace of mind he had heard that Mullai was going to continue her studies in Trichy, and that was that... 

He chuckled at fate, and its savage twists and turns. How diabolical must it have to have them finally talk to each other here, when they least expected it...

She was twisting her fingers somewhat erratically, as her gaze fixed on the ground below, her whole body was turned towards him but her gaze just like he remembered remained downcast whenever he was near her. After all the changes he had observed about her tonight, this particular act of hers remaining stagnant, irked him.

He had let years go by thinking she'd talk if she really wanted to, and fate has brought her to him, in an unimagined manner, then he'd  carpe diem this, if that's what was necessary.

"Kavitha eppudi un kuda?" he asked her, bringing her out of her revive. She looked up at him with the same brilliant eyes, that lightening like blinks, took him back to their childhood.

"Ha, avalum yen college than, 12th kaparam avanga amma kalayanam nu pessinanaga, nanaum avalum aluthu arpatam panni, ore college la serurom nu sonna'pram than avanga vittanga." She recollected fondly, he could see the special bind of that one childhood friend that has stuck by you from school to college, in her eyes.

"Ohn kuda nu sonna tha, bayanthu irukanume..."muttered Kathir under his breath, which she thankfully  didn't hear.

"Yen Trichy? Karrakudi la ye college iruke, ithu konjam thooram atche, unga appa vituiruka matare.." he asked, diverting, trying to imagine how her father would have had to cope without seeing her smile everyday.

His question made her bit her tongue naughty shrug, her whole face danced in mischief "Thoorama iruknum nu thane Trichy ke vanthathu..." she muttered, picking the thread off her kurthi, unable to meet his raised eyebrows.

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