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I sat with Zara and excitedly giggled, yes giggled, as I waited for Shanaira's shift to begin.

It was once again the same timing before our curfew lockdown begins, and this time, I'd dragged Zara along to witness my master plan.

It being a friday, Shanaira was to come in late.

And when she finally came in, I almost squeeled in glee before Zara's hand caught mine to calm me the heck down.

Shanaira took her time in turning to us,before she wiped her hands on her apron and glanced at Zara,

"Shanaira, this is Zara. Zara, Shanaira."

Zara grinned, "Good to know our names almost rhyme."

Shanaira gave her a shy smile, "What would you both like?"

"Strawberry cheesecake!" Zara exclaimed at the same time I said,


Shanaira blinked,before a sly smile spread across her lips,

"I'll go get your orders first."

I impatiently pouted and looked around the cafè, it was a Friday, he must be here.

"If you're looking for him," Shanaira started as she handed me my cup of hot chocolate,

"He left a few minutes back."

I groaned, "Why didn't you stop him?!"

She shot me a look as Zara shook her head, "He's my boss."

I muttered an oh and let it pass as she shuffled in her pocket and handed me a piece of paper back.

Zara's eyed widened and she nearly toppled over in excitement as I took my time unfolding the square piece of paper.

In it, written in a slanting handwriting akin to old literature manuscripts was,

Hey. I accept your apology, for whatever it was. I also request you to not write to me like this, it's highly not appreciated.

Omar Bakhtawar.

I scrunched my nose and made a face,

"What does he think this is? A contract? Zara look, he even wrote 'regards'. What is this guy?"

Zara chuckled and took the paper from me, straightening it,

"Well, this atleast shows he isn't bad boy."

I frowned, "How?"

Shanaira shrugged, "Simple, he didn't give in to your request."

I rolled my eyes at them as Zara finished the last of my pineapple pastry. I glared at her,

"So what do you guys suggest I do?"

They answered differently in unison,

"Give the heck up."

"Talk to him like a normal human."

I shook my head, "Nonsense. Give me another tissue."

Shanaira sighed as Zara banged her head on the counter,

"May Allah guide you, Naysha."

I spared her a glance, "Ameen, Zara."

A minute later, I shoved the tissue in Shanaira's hands, before Zara snatched it,

"Let me proof read whatever nonsense you've written."

I fixed my scarf and motioned for he rto go on as she read it aloud so that Shanaira can hear,

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