The Mission

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     Ahsoka was lying on the couch in her and her master's shared room watching the HoloNet when Anakin came rushing in. 

" Heya Snips, get up we're needed by the counsel." Anakin was out of breath as if he had just ran a marathon. 

" Why the big rush?" Ahsoka asked turning off the HoloNet. 

" Well, we kinda had to be there five minutes ago." Ahsoka's eyes widened as she raced into her room to grab her lightsabers.

 " What are you waiting for, lets go!" she shouted already out the door. 

The Master and Padawan ran down the halls of the temple. People stared at them as they shoved each other playfully while running. When they got to the doors just outside the counsel room they took deep breaths to calm down and slowly walked in. 

" It's about time you showed up Skywalker." Mace Windu harshly said. 

" Sorry Master Windu, Ahsoka lost track of time and I had to search the temple to find her." 

Anakin flashed his padawan a smile which she returned with a glare. Obi Wan shook his head and tried to prevent himself from face palming in front of everyone. 

" I didn't loose track--" Ahsoka began. Mace cut her off. " Enough. You were late, but what matters is that you're here now." 

Anakin and Ahsoka both looked down at their feet. Anakin cleared his throat. " So why did you call us here?" 

" Plot there is by the Separatist. Plot to attack the temple may be." Yoda said. 

" You and Lil' Soka accompanied by your Captain and Sentor Amidala will go undercover as a family in the lower levels of Coruscant to the area where suspicious activity has been heard. Our sources say that there are many agents of Dooku that lurk in those places." Plo Koon explained.

 " You leave tomorrow so I suggest you go inform Captain Rex about the up coming mission. Senator Amidala has already been reached out to and she agreed to the mission." Mace added. 

Anakin felt a little uneasy about having his wife go on a mission especially one in the lower levels. 

" Now wait a second, don't you think that having a Galactic Senator go undercover is a little risky." Anakin hoped they would come to their senses and pull her from the mission. 

" Risky it is, but Senator Amidala capable of handling herself is she not?" Yoda asked. 

Anakin stayed quiet not wanting to raises suspicions to the counsel about why he didn't want Padme to go. 

Mace paused waiting for Anakin to fire back with something. " It's settled then. You are dismissed." 

Anakin and Ahsoka bowed and exited the room. 

" Wait til Rex finds out he's gonna have to pretend to be my brother!" Ahsoka laughed at the thought of it. "I'm going to go and tell him. Bye Master!" 

Ahsoka darted down the halls again on her way to annoy Rex. 

Wait til she remembers that I'm going to be her father Anakin smirked to himself heading back towards their shared quarters. 

 New story!! I'm so excited to write this. Can't wait to see where the story leads! 

- Chopper457

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