Not Yet

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     Ahsoka's eyelids fluttered open. There was a little light shining right in her eyes from one of the holes in the wall. Ahsoka groaned as she sat up. She was sore all over from the position she was sleeping in, but she pulled herself up.

" Good morning." she said to herself. Ahsoka stretched her arms and stumbled over to the pile of debris that her lightsaber had landed on earlier that morning.

Ahsoka hesitated to pick it up. All of her thoughts went back to what she was about to do with it several hours ago. She leaned over and attached it back to her belt. She decided to walk around a bit to get some fresh air and think about what she should do.

Ahsoka propped the door open and slipped out into the streets once more.

Maybe I could live down here, its where I belong. She presumed. I wonder if Skyguy and the others are looking for me. 

Ahsoka gave a small smile at the thought of her Master and all of her friends, but the smile faded as quick as it came. 

Why should they bother to look for me. I'm worthless. I bombed the Temple. The only reason they would be looking for me is to arrest me.

Ahsoka found a building with a roof that stuck out. She jumped up and and sat down on the roof shackles, gazing at the speeders and ships above. It was quite calming, all she could do now was get lost in her daydreams.

    Anakin, Padme, Rex and Fives landed on the platform.

" Did Echo tell you when they would get here?" Padme asked.

" They should be arriving shortly Senator. When I checked they were already heading down here."

And as if on cue a taxi pulled up with Jesse,Echo and Kix.

" Took you guys a while." Fives said to them getting out.

" Yeah yeah, but we're here now." Jesse said defensively.

Anakin stepped in to get their attention. " Alright men, Ahsoka is down here somewhere, lets bring her home."  and with that, they set out to find her.

     Ahsoka exhaled as she pulled herself up to a sitting position. She got tired of staring at what she could never go back to. 

She jumped down from the roof and started walking somewhere or anywhere really. Since it was one of the lower levels it was dark nearly most of the time. It was darker in some places more than others. Ahsoka wasn't surprised when she bumped into someone.

" Sorry." she mumbled to the stranger.

The stranger turned around. " Hey watch where your going." 

" I said I was sorry." Ahsoka repeated again but this time with annoyance.

When she turned to face the rude person who she already apologized to, her blood ran cold.

The person staring back at her was no other than Fives.

" C-Commander Tano?" he stuttered. 

Ahsoka didn't know what to do, so she ran.

" Commander, wait!" Fives called after her.

" General, I found Commander Tano. She's heading south of the platforms."

" Stay on her trail Fives, don't lose her!" Anakin shouted through the comm, " I'll try and cut her off."

Ahsoka looked back to see Fives chasing her. No, if Fives is down here, then Anakin and others might be to, she guessed. 

" Commander Tano!" Fives yelled.

Ahsoka entered an area with lots of catwalks. She jumped and grabbed onto one and hid in the darkness under it. Fives passed right under her thinking she kept running. When he was out of view she hopped down and continued.

Ahsoka took off the opposite way Fives went, Maybe if I can make it to one of the next transports I can get sneak onto one of next ships going off world

Ahsoka rounded the corner and smacked right into another person. " Just my luck!" she exclaimed shaking her head only to see yet again another familiar face, but this time she couldn't believe who it was. 

" Rex?"

Sorry but, cliff hanger.... Also we hit 1K views 🎉🎉 Thank you everyone so much, ya'll have no idea how much this means to me. 😊

- Chopper457

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