One Last Time

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    Ahsoka leaned over and saw about three squads of droid surrounding the building that they were on.

" Ahsoka, get back over here." Anakin scolded, pulling her away from the edge of the roof.

" Master they want me. You guys could get in trouble for not turning me in. Remember i'm still a wanted fugitive." 

Anakin didn't like where she was going. " What are you saying." 

" I'm saying, I need to turn myself in." Ahsoka said bluntly.

" Nope, no, Ahsoka you're not turning yourself in. Do you know what the council will do to you?"

" Yeah kid, there's no way you're going to do that to yourself." Rex chimed in.

" But-" 

" No buts, we'll find another way."  Jesse backed Rex up.

" There is no other way. I still committed those crimes. Turning myself in would at least make some of the guilt go away." Ahsoka said ashamed. " We don't have much time, this is the only option." 

" Snips please don't do this." Anakin begged.

" I have to Master. It'll be okay." Ahsoka wanted to assure him, but she wasn't so sure herself.

" Thank you, everyone, for all you've done for me. I couldn't be more grateful." Ahsoka said to them knowing that it would probably be the last time she would ever see them.

She could hear the police droids climbing the side of the building. Ahsoka took a deep breath, prepared to be taken into custody.

Anakin nodded to his wife. Padme gave Fives the signal. He pointed his gun at Ahsoka.

" Sorry Commander." was the last thing Ahsoka heard before she was stunned.

Kix caught her before she touched the ground. 

The droids had made it to the roof, surrounding them.

" Freeze, hand over the fugitive." the sergeant demanded.

Anakin ignited his lightsaber. The clones, with the exception of Kix who was holding Ahsoka in his arms, stood next to him with their guns raised.

" Teckla, please tell me you're almost here!" Padme whispered-shouted into her comm.

" Just got here my lady. I'm waiting at the pick up zone." Teckla responded.

" Good, we'll be there shortly, be ready to take off the minute we board." Padme told her handmaiden.

" I won't ask again, hand over the fugitive." the sergeant said once more.

Anakin gave the droid the death stare.

" Shoot them!" the droid commanded.

" Wrong move." Anakin said redirecting the baster shot right at the droid's head.

Jesse, Fives, Echo and Rex started shooting at the others droids that accompanied him.

" Padme! Where's our ride?" Anakin asked while deflecting shots.

" It's here, we need an opening!" Padme yelled.

Anakin and the clones finished with the first wave of police. 

" Hurry, there's more coming!" Anakin jumped off the building landing at the bottom.

" Jump!" He called up to Padme and the clones. 

Padme was the first to jump. Seeing as she landed safely with the help of Anakin, the rest of the  clones followed.

Anakin held his hands out slowing them down as they neared the ground.

" Padme, Kix, get Ahsoka to the ship, we'll try and hold them off." Anakin said.

" Let's go Kix." Padme ran the direction where they were supposed to meet Teckla.

" Over there!" Padme pointed to the ship that was awaiting them. Unfortunately so were two police droids waiting for them.

" Kix, get Ahsoka on board!" Padme yelled.

" But Senator, what about the droids?" 

" Don't worry, I'll handle them."

Padme pulled out her pistol and got two clean head shots.

She hurried and boarded the ship.

" Teckla, circle back around so we can pick up Anakin."

" Yes ma'am." Teckla steered the ship to Anakin's position.

Anakin and the clones were busy fighting off the squads of police droids.

Rex spotted a ship and saw Padme wave to them, telling them to board .

" Sir! I see the Senator. I think it's time to go!" 

" Rex, get your men aboard that ship, I'll cover you!" Anakin ordered.

" Yes sir!"

Rex and the other 501st members raced to the ship. Once Anakin saw they made it on, he destroyed one last droid before heading to the ship himself. 

He raced to the cockpit where Padme and Teckla were.

" Padme, we're all on, lets get out of here!" 

Padme nodded and they took off.

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