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     Anakin and Padme sat on the old couch in the living room. Padme tried her best to comfort Anakin after he spilled everything to her. 

" Oh Ani." she whispered. She didn't want to believe that Anakin did those things. 

" How's Rex?" she softly asked her husband.

 Anakin let out a sad sigh. " I don't know, Ahsoka wouldn't let me anywhere near him."

 Padme felt bad for bringing it up again, Anakin was obviously still in pieces of what had just recently happened, but she needed to know.

 " And what about Ahsoka, how is she taking it." 

Anakin looked as if he were about to cry.

 " Not well I presume, I don't think I can ever forget the look on her face. It was pure fear. Padme, she was scared of me. I hurt my captain, one of my best friends and I made my Padawan think I would hurt her. I would never hurt her, never." Anakin said in a small voice. 

" I know you wouldn't."  Padme said rubbing his back. 

" Ahsoka hates me, and Rex will never forgive me for what I did." Anakin put head in this hands.

 " Why don't you try and talk to them in the morning. They need rest and so do you." 

Anakin shook his head. " I'm not tired." 

" Ani, you need sleep as well." Padme gave him a stern look which meant he was going to have to do what she said.

 " Fine." Anakin mumbled. 

Padme got up, gave him a small kiss on the lips before heading off to the other bedroom. Anakin laid back down on the couch and  closed his eyes.

     Rex winced as the cold water rinsed the cut. 

" Sorry, I should have warned you." Ahsoka apologized. 

" It's fine, Iv'e gotten worse." Ahsoka continued to clean the wound on his head.

 " This is different." 

 " It's not his fault. He was just worried about you." 

Ahsoka sat down on the bed across from Rex. 

" He hit you Rex! He sure has a way of showing how much he cares." Ahsoka huffed.

 Rex got up and sat down next to her. " Ahsoka, he cares very deeply about his friends, especially you. You can't possibly think that he would ever hurt you or anyone else on purpose." 

Ahsoka glanced down at her feet. " I never seen him so angry, not even on missions. His eyes where so full of rage." Ahsoka shuttered at the memory of it. 

 " Why don't you try and talk to him." Rex suggested. 

" No." she said coldly. 

" You have to talk to him at some point." Rex walked over to the other bed and lied down. A

hsoka wanted nothing to do with him. He shouldn't have acted like that, he acted out in anger and anger leads to the dark side she decided before rolling over and shutting her eyes. 

   " Rex. Rex, wake up!" Ahsoka shook Rex until he was awake.

 " What, what's going on." Rex groggily slurred.

 " We need to leave, its almost 0900." 

Rex slowly crawled out of bed. " Alright I'm up. So, have you talked to the General yet?" 

Ahsoka froze. " Uh yeah, we're good now." she lied through her teeth turning away from Rex so he couldn't see that she was lying.

 " That's good to hear. Now what are we waiting for." he headed for the door of the bedroom. 

Ahsoka acted quickly. " Wait, Anakin may still asleep." 

Rex gave her a puzzled face. " I woke up early and worked things out with him then. He seemed pretty tired and went back to bed." Ahsoka hoped that Rex would buy it. He stepped away from the door. 

" Okay, then how are we supposed to leave?" Ahsoka pointed to the window. " Lets go." she smiled opening the window.

     Anakin grunted as he woke to the sunlight peering through the glass door. He sat up on the couch still a little sleepy from the previous night. He stood up to stretch his legs then remembered.

 Ahsoka, Rex, he suddenly felt guilt again. 

I need to talk to them, he thought. 

Anakin reluctantly walked the bedroom door. (Rex and Ahsoka share a room cuz they are like best friends) It took a lot of courage for him to knock.

 " Ahsoka, Rex, we need to talk." he called through the metal door. There was no reply. 

" Ahsoka? Rex? Please open the door." Anakin begged. He was greeted by more silence. 

" Look, I know you guys are mad, but I really want to apologize for the other night." 

Anakin had enough. " Okay, I'm coming in." he called and skeptically forced the door open. 

Anakin stared at the two empty beds.

 " Ahsoka!" he yelled.

 "Rex!" he yelled again searching the room. 

Padme stood in the door way. " What's wrong." she yawned. 

Anakin had a broken look on his face. " They're gone." he frantically stuttered. 

" What do you mean gone." Padme was now more awake now. 

" They aren't here. They're gone." Anakin repeated. 

Padme was concerned. " Where do you think they went?" 

Anakin felt like it was all his fault, they had probably run away from him.

 " This is all because of me." Anakin choked out. 

Padme was confused. " Why would them disappearing have anything to do with you?"

 " Don't you see, they ran away, because of me, because of what I did." Anakin shouted. 

" No Anakin, that's not the reason, it can't be, there has to be a logical explanation why they left." Padme assured. 

" No, this is all my fault." Anakin said again. 

" We'll find them Ani, we'll find them." Padme promised.

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