No Regrets

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     Ahsoka watched in horror as Ventress brought her lightsaber down and stabbed Rex in the chest.  His eyes flashed open as the pain over took his whole body making it burn. 

"NOOOOOO!" Ahsoka shrieked as Ventress pulled the saber out of the dying clone.

 Rex gasped for the oxygen that he desperately needed. Tears stained Ahsoka's face seeing her captain, her friend dying before her. 

     " HOW COULD YOU!!" she roared struggling against the cuffs. 

Ventress smiled seeing and feeling all the anger the young Togruta was giving off.

 " I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!!" Ahsoka thrashed, trying to free herself. 

Ventress simply walked over to Rex.

 " GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Ahsoka screamed, but she continued despite the girl's cries. She  uncuffed Rex and dragged him to another part of the warehouse. She opened a storage closet and threw his limp body on the ground, walked back out and locked the door. When she came back Ahsoka was crying hysterically.

" Now, how about you reconsider helping me." Ventress hissed at her.

" After what you just did?! Never!" Ahsoka swallowed hard trying to prevent another round of tears.

" How stupid can you get? You WILL help me. I will not hesitate to kill anymore of your precious friends." 

     Ahsoka stopped to think, she couldn't let anyone else get killed because of her and there's no way she could ever take part in destroying the place she called home, but then again it was because of the jedi that caused her to choose between them and Rex. 

No, I'm not going to give into this hatred, there is no emotion , there is peace

Do you really believe that? How much more do you have to loose a voice in her head echoed back. Bomb the temple, kill a few Jedi and some workers and spare who you have left. Think of Anakin, Obi Wan, Padme, Plo, Shaak, Jesse, Fives, and everyone else that ever meant anything to you, the voice reasoned.  Because of you Rex is dead, don't make the same mistake with everyone else. The voice vanished leaving Ahsoka to make the difficult choice alone. 

Ventress tapped her foot impatiently. " I don't have all day." she stared at the girl. " Fine then, I guess i'll just have to-" 

" I'll do it." Ahsoka quietly said. " I'll help you bomb the temple." her words came out all shaky. 

" I knew you wouldn't make the same mistake twice." Ventress's words stung Ahsoka's heart.

Oh Rex, what have I done. Ahsoka tensed as a red blade came near her heating her arms ever so slightly.

 Ventress cut the cuffs keeping her restrained. Ahsoka brought her sore arms to her sides and carefully stood up. Her legs were numb from sitting for so long, but she managed to keep her balance. 

" What do you need me to help you with?"

" I need to know all the blind spots, the pass-codes to the security system and the maps around the temple." Ventress demanded. " It's getting late, I promised my master that I would have this done by midnight, now lets get going."

 Ahsoka followed Ventress out of the warehouse. Ventress got into the speeder that Ahsoka and Rex had come in. 

When she saw that Ahsoka was out of hearing range she took her chance. " You may proceed." she whispered into her comm.

Ahsoka stood outside taking one last look at the warehouse bowing her head letting a single tear fall." I'm so sorry Rex. I'll never forget you. Rest now brother." and with that she got into the speeder and they were off to the temple.

     Rex's eyes shot open due to a sharp pain. " What's going on?" he groaned. A medical droid was patching the wound on chest. 

" Oww." he winced as the droid finished up. He was lying on the cold ground in the middle of a storage closet. The droid had left the room and locked the door behind him leaving Rex alone in the dim closet.

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