1: Water

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Wolf and Kipo were casually walking around, when they both got thirsty.

"Here, I think I brought some water along with me." Wolf replied, rummaging through a backpack she had found two days earlier.

Kipo froze, and stared at the backpack, her fur spiked and her muscles tense, "Water?" She gulped.

Wolf pulled out two water bottles, holding one towards Kipo, who hissed and backed away.

Her ears were pulled back, her cat-like eyes were wide, her tail poked up.

Wolf looked at the other girl, curiously. She was confused of why she was acting like this.

Every time Wolf opened the water bottle, Kipo immediately tensed up and slowly moved away, hissing.

Finally, she realized what was happening.

Kipo was part cat, which meant she did not like water.

The shorter girl smirked and waved the water bottle in the taller girl's face, causing her to screech and fall backwards, hissing, her claws unsheathed.

"Isn't water nice~?" Wolf cooed, opening the water bottle.

Kipo didn't respond as she backed against a tree, narrowing her cat-like eyes.

Wolf held the water bottle over her girlfriend's head, threatening to spill it on her.

"Wolf, stop!" She screeched, squeezing her eyes shut, her fur so pointy that it looked sharp.

"Why should I? This is fun." Wolf winked and tilted the water bottle to where a small drop of water landed on Kipo's head.

The Jaguar girl hissed loudly and almost scratched Wolf's eye out.

"Woah! Calm down!" Wolf yelped to the furry girl, accidentally spilling the water all over her.

Everybody wondered why Wolf had claw marks and bruises when they went back to camp.

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