3: Dog

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They all woke up to screaming and barking.

Everybody ran out of the tent, and stared at what they were seeing.

Sal getting chased by a dog.

The dog was wagging it's tail, thinking that Sal was playing chase. While Sal, was totally freaked out and kept running from the dog.

"Sal!" Travis yelled frantically and ran over to help him escape the dog.

"Uhm.. I guess we help!" Dave shouted and charged after Travis, the others following close behind him.

Sal ran to a dead end, and turned around just to see the dog jump up on him, causing the blue haired boy to yelp in fear, falling on the ground while the dog licked his mask.

Sal just shook in fear the whole time that the dog was near him, nuzzling his hand to try and make him feel better. But that was clearly not working.

The others ran over in time to see the dog bark in Sal's face, causing him to yelp and flinch.

"No! Bad dog!" Larry shouted and picked up the dog, holding it in his arms.

The dog whined and tried to get out of his grip, but soon gave up when it realized Larry wasn't gonna let go.

Travis jogged over to Sal to see if he was okay, besides the minor trauma, he wasn't harmed.

They all walked back with a still shaken Sal, and when they got in the tent, Lucas questioned, "Why is there a dog?"

"Uhh.." Kipo started, but she didn't have to explain, since Larry had thrown the dog into a bush. It didn't come back out.

"Larry!" Ash scolded, pulling him off to the side.

While Ash scolded Larry, Travis and the others tried to calm down Sal from the traumatic moment he just had.

"I knew he was attacked by a dog, but I didn't know he was afraid of dogs!" Wolf glanced at Travis when Sal whimpered at the mention of dogs.

"Just shut up. Stop talking about it, it's not helping." He growled at Wolf.

Kipo slightly hissed when Travis had growled at her girlfriend. That made Travis flinch.

Soon, Travis had calmed Sal enough to make him fall asleep. So Sal's head was in Travis's lap. Which of course made the blonde's face turn red.

Travis glanced up at Kipo and Wolf, who were rising their eyebrows up and down with an expression that said, 'You like him~'

Everybody else questioned why Wolf and Kipo each had a black eye.

Don't be Afraid Aftermath!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora