8: Hide-n-Seek

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It was a lovely day outside, with people screaming frantically and calling out for somebody's name.

Specifically, Lucas.

You see, he's a vampire. And he's not allowed in the sun, or he will... burn. He's supposed to stay in the tent, but he wasn't in there.

Sal was the first one to find out, and he, not knowing Lucas that well, didn't know he was a vampire and just thought that he was a very pale boy with fake red eyes.

That's why they didn't find out until an hour after everyone woke up. Sal hadn't told anybody since he thought it wasn't urgent.

Though, when he found out Lucas was a vampire, he completely panicked and tried to sign his apology, though they had no idea what he was saying. They couldn't do sign language.

"He's saying he's sorry." Larry responded casually, as if it was obvious.

Everybody stared blankly and shook their heads and continued to look for Lucas. Wolf was actually furious at Sal for not mentioning that he was gone.

"It's his fault! He should've told us!" Wolf shouted angrily, her eyes blazed with rage.

Travis, currently in front of Sal, responses with, "He didn't know he was a vampire, so it's not his fault!"

"Still! When somebody's suppose to be there, and their not, you should always tell someone!" The short girl jabbed her finger at Sal.

The blue-haired boy shuddered and turned. Everybody stopped arguing as they turned to look at Sal.

"Everything alright?" Ash asked with concern, putting her hand on the shorter boy's shoulder.

But Sal didn't reply, I mean, literally. He didn't. Not even sign language.

Suddenly, a head popped out from the bush from behind them, that was currently in the shade.

And that head was Lucas.

"Oh hey guys! I was wondering when you were gonna find me." He replied with a bored tone.

Kipo, just realizing something, did a face palm, "I could've tracked his scent!"

Everybody stared at Kipo like, 'How dumb are you?'

Larry's eyes widen as he remembered something, "We we're playing hide-n-seek last night! Remember Sal?"

The short boy turned to the taller one, looked up, and nodded, his blue pigtails bouncing.

"So, we were just playing hide-n-seek the whole time?" Wolf questioned, her anger dissolving as she felt Kipo's hand intertwine hers with Wolf's.

"Pretty much. Oh! Sal, it's your turn to hide!"

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