2: Scary

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Everybody was just have a perfectly normal day, until they heard grunts and curses from the bushes behind them.

Wolf got in front of Kipo, ready to fight.

Dave and Benson literally just took a stick and held it in front of them like they were She-Ra.

Kipo wanted to help fight, but Wolf kept getting in front of her she tried to move up.

Suddenly, there was a crash and a scream, and five people poured out from the bush.

Everybody stopped and stared at each other, taking everything in.

There was a guy, about 16 or 15, he had blonde hair, a black eye, fair skin, a pink-ish shirt with lighter pink stripe on the sleeves. He was wearing shorts, and of course, shoes. He was also wearing a scowl on his face as he stared at Kipo and them.

There was another guy, probably the same age as the blonde guy, he had long brown hair and a light brown t-shirt with the words "SF" on it in darker brown. He had dark blue long pants, and brown shoes. He had a pretty long nose, and had a mole next to his eye.

There was a girl, 15 or 16, brown-ish red-ish hair, purple shirt that goes down to her thighs, with thumb holes. She had grey long pants and shoes, wearing a choker.

Another guy, with red poofy hair, green shirt with darker green sleeves and at the top of the shirt. He was wearing glasses and a watch, with long blue-ish pants and shoes.

And finally, there was... a boy? Girl? They couldn't tell which gender, but they had blue hair in pigtails, a black shirt with long sleeves that goes to the top of their thighs. They were wearing a mask, the left side was cracked a bit, and there was a light pink side around their eye. They had long burgundy pants, with knee holes. And they had blue and white shoes. Also, they were a midget. So probably 10 or 9.

After everybody was done inspecting each other, Kipo spoke.

"Well, hi! How did you get here?" She asked cheerfully, tilting her head like the part cat she was.

The girl spoke, "Dunno. We just were exploring, and fell in a dumb hole. Then we landed here." She explained, earning an eye twitch from the blonde.

"Oh well.. what are you're names?" Benson questioned, dropping the stick when he realized they weren't a threat, but kept his eyes on the blue haired person.

Dave did the same, but looked down right terrified of the blue haired person, hiding behind Kipo since she was basically the tallest.

"I'm Ashley, you can call me Ash for short!" She answered happily.

The blonde grumbled, "Travis."

The brown haired guy said casually, "Larry."

The red head guy said smartly, "Todd Morrison."

The blue haired person didn't respond, but the blonde happily did, "His names Sally. Call him Sal or Sally Face."

"So.. your a boy?"Dave questioned, peeking out from Kipo.

Sal nodded.

Kipo and her friends blinked, "I totally knew that." Kipo laughed nervously.

Wolf narrowed her eyes at Sal, she didn't trust him.

"What are you're names?" Todd asked, glancing over at Sal and Travis, the blonde was patting the shorter boy's head.

"I'm Kipo!" She answered cheerfully.

"Benson." He replied.

"Death Dave." Dave replied, but got elbowed by Wolf, "Fine. Just Dave."

Wolf groaned and mumbled something about this being stupid, "Wolf."

Larry nodded, "Interesting names. I mean, a part from Dave. I've seen a lot of people who's names are Dave."

Dave crossed his six arms and pouted, "I wish I had a unique name, like Kipo, I bet nobody has that name but her!"

Kipo whipped towards Dave.

When Sal has gotten closer to speak to Benson, Dave hid behind Wolf and basically begged her to keep him safe.

"What's up with you?" Wolf asked, annoyed.

"Sal is scary, like, who wears a mask?!" Dave shouted by accident.

Everybody gasped and turned towards Dave, with Sal just staring at him.

Travis looked at them, narrowing his eyes, "He has heard a lot worse. It's a prosthetic, dog attack."

"Oh.. well, sorry about that, Sal." Kipo rubbed her arm, looking genuine sorry for him.

Sal just shrugged.

"I'm a Jaguar/human hybrid! So we are both the same, kinda. Honestly, I'm suppose to be dead." Kipo said cheerfully.

"I'm dead." Larry said at the same time Travis said, "Sal's dead."

Let's just say, Kipo and her friends kept their distance from Sal and Larry for the rest of the day.

Hi guys! Credit goes to @MatthewBickle for the idea to make Sal a mute survivor, ty for all your support!

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Bye lovelies!

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