7: Wrong

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Travis knew he shouldn't feel this way, it was wrong to feel gay for another guy.

At least, that's what his family told him.

"God does not allow homosexuality." His father has told him, and Travis had believed that and swore to never be gay.

But now, looking at Sal's sleeping body on his lap, he couldn't help but feel gay for the short boy.

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the tent, they were all in a circle, just talking about random and stupid things.

Kipo noticed Travis's strange behavior, and whispered in the other's ears, which caused them to stop and gaze at the blonde boy.

"Everything alright, Travis?" Lucas had asked, taking his eyes off of Ash.

Travis flinched and looked back down at Lucas, "Just peachy."

"Doesn't seem like it. Your posture and your expression is giving us hints." Todd replied with a blank look.

Travis stared at Todd like, 'Will you just shut up for once?'

"Hey, no need to be all aggressive." Larry tried to reason with them, waving his hands frantically in the air.

"Travis, please tell us what's wrong. We can't fix it if you don't tell us." Kipo responded with round, worried eyes.

He wanted to refuse, but judging by Wolf's look on her face, she would send him to the moon if he refused. So he told her reluctantly.

"My family always said that being gay was wrong.." He started to explain, glancing up at everybody's curious expression.

He continued, "And, well, I have gay feelings for Sal.. is that.. I dunno.. wrong?"

Travis looked up at them with sad eyes, probably close to tears. While everyone's else expression was either, pity, anger, or surprise.

"What!? Why would you think that!? It's not wrong to be gay! It's actually quite beautiful." Ash shouted, her eyes filled with anger.

"Yeah, I'm gay and nobody has bullied me for it, it's not wrong." Todd said.

"Take it from a lesbian couple, yeah, it makes you think it's wrong, but it's really not. It's really unique to be gay, and anyone who says it isn't, I will karate chop them in half." Wolf said menacingly.

That left everyone uncomfortable, Kipo's ears drooped slightly, while she curled her tail around Wolf.

Travis gave them all a small smile, "Thanks guys, I don't know what I would've done without you."

Benson gave him a wide smile, "No problem!"

"Yeah! Anything for you, Travis." Dave responded, patting the blonde on the back.

"Mhm! But, seriously, when are you gonna confess your feelings to Sal!?" Kipo shouted.

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