6: Thunderstorms and cuddles

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It was a rainy night, thunder and lightning flashed and rumbled, keeping one person awake.

Everybody was sleeping peacefully in the tent, Sal and Travis were cuddled up, which made everyone make the 'Ship!' Expression.

But, one person was so terrified of the thunderstorm, that they were kept awake.

And no surprise, it was Kipo.

She was shivering, and flinched every time thunder rumbled in the dark and cloudy sky.

A lightning strikes near the tent, causing Kipo to yelp and touch backs with her girlfriend beside her, Wolf.

The shorter girl woke, startled and completely confused.

She rubbed her tired cocoa eyes and raised her head, she looked to the side and saw Kipo staring at her.

How Kipo looked broke Wolf's heart, her ears were drooping and her tail tucked between her legs. Her cat eyes were filled with fear and had small tears.

"Kipo, what's the matter?" Wolf asked softly, sitting up and turning her body towards the taller girl.

Kipo cried out and flinched when the sky rumbled loudly, putting her terrified face on her pillow.

Wolf's cocoa eyes widened once she realized what was wrong, and scooted closer to the shaking girl.

"Hey, it's alright.." Wolf responded sweetly, rubbing Kipo's back affectionately.

The furry girl looked up from the pillow and her muscles slightly calmed.

"As long as I'm here, I won't let anything or anyone hurt you." She whispered, kissing Kipo's forehead.

Kipo gave a small, weak smile, and laid her head back down on the pillow, her back facing Wolf.

The shorter girl laid close to Kipo and wrapped her arms protectively around her girlfriend, stuffing her face in her back.

Her heart lifted when she heard Kipo's content purr, knowing that she felt safe and comfortable.

They both fell asleep to them cuddling and the soft purring.

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