4: Tree

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They were all just wandering around and making sure that no remaining people of Dr. Emilia had survived.

Kipo was daydreaming as she was walking, her eyelids were slightly drooping. Probably from being tired.

Suddenly, Wolf yelled out, "Kipo!" Causing the taller girl to screech and jump higher than any normal human being could.

Next thing they knew, she was up in a tree.

"Oh, great." Todd groaned, face-palming.

Kipo gulped and looked down, and immediately shuddered and looked at the sky, "Some help, guys?"

Everybody groaned and started brainstorming some ideas, Wolf had one, but it included scaring the living daylight out of Kipo.

"There's water up there!" Wolf shouted up at the furry girl. It seemed to work just fine, because Kipo screeched and let go of the tree, landing perfectly on her feet.

"There we go. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Wolf got on her tippy toes and kissed Kipo on the cheek.

"Yes, it was very bad!" Kipo pouted, and kissed Wolf's cheek back.

Everybody awed at the sight, some even exaggerated and wiped a fake tear.

Wolf sighed and took Kipo by the hand, dragging her away.

They all went back to camp when they didn't see any threats.

When they got back there, Wolf and the others went inside their tent and got some marshmallows, chocolate, and crackers to make s'mores.

When they got back, they noticed Kipo wasn't with them.

Everybody became frantic and started searching for her. And guess where they found her?

In a tree.

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