◇■IV■◇ Broken Bromance 👬👨🏻‍✈️🤵🏻

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[I'm sorry, Mista, for it must be done...]


"Leone, Leone, look, I scored 98%! I told you I'd ace the English test, I told you!"

The class went chitter-chatter for a while in the passing period as they talked about the scores they received on their tests.

They were staying in the same room next period so there wouldn't be any use going out of the classroom, only to get books from lockers and using the restroom, that is.

Bucciarati loved to mock around with his friend Abbacchio a lot. Bruno knew he was somewhat smarter than him, but every time he scored at least a higher point or percentage, he used the advantage to tease Leone around.

Bruno looked at Abbacchio's 97% and smiled.

"And what did you say?" Bruno stood in front of the edgelord's desk and puffed his cheeks, he bent over with one hand on his hips on the other with his test in front of Leone's face, "Ha! There's no way you'd be better than me!" he tried imitating his friend's voice, he knew quite alright he had failed.

And his friend made him know twice.

"That's not how I sound like, " Leone argued, still deeply interested in the Sherlock Holmes book he borrowed from the library.

"So? That's not the point! The point is what you said!"

"I don't recall ever saying that, " he paused his speed-reading to look up at the kind man, that didn't last long as he bent his head back to the story.

"Do you want me to lick you?"

"No thanks, " he replied, sounding disgusted in between, "You'll earn a lot of faces heading our way..."

He's right...

I don't want to risk getting involved with the teachers for licking a student just cause he didn't want it...

That'd be weird...

He's not bluffing, though...


That's it!

"Why don't we use Moody Blues to confirm?"

Abbacchio halted suddenly, his eyes on the word in the book he had stopped on.

He pouted.

"Make me."

"Oh yeah?"

Bucciarati actually had no idea how to make him use Moody Blues, he just tried sounding tough which he knew he was bad in when it came to Abbacchio.

Bruno stared at him for a second before facing his head away in defeat.

"Ha! You can't make me!"

Shortly, an idea arrived on time.

"Si, I can, " Bruno faced back, announced and watched how curious his friend got by the second, like squinting his eyes and awaiting his answer.

"Remember, you said something about me visiting you after school to play some games..." he said all proper, and Abbacchio began to frown, noticing where he was going, "Guess I'll have to miss you ace all that justice and horror stuff..."



"Why do you want the answer so badly?" Leone asked, still reading.

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