Chapter 1

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(background information)

You are a girl named Y/N

You fell into the underground running away from military school (your a deserter)

You've been through hundreds of resets, most of them being genocide

Your around the age 17

You wear a pair of yellow Converse


To many. Just to many.
Reset after Reset.
I can't tell if this timeline will be one where Frisk kills all my friends or she'll set them all free from the underground only to rip the surface from their grasp once again.

I've seen so many resets that they all just jumble together. To be honest, I'm  just so tired. I wish that I could just lay my head down and rest forever. Though I know it won't work because Frisk will just reset and I'll have to endure this hell once again. The only way I'll ever be free is if Frisk truly dies but I know that's impossible. I've gotten so desperate that everytime Frisk perishes on battle, I pray that, just once, she'll stay dead. Though no one seems to hear me...

I'm lying on the oh so familar flowers that, once again, cushioned my fall from the large gaping hole above my head. The sun shining into the dark abyss that surrounds me reminded me of the first time me and Frisk set the monsters free from this prison.

We all were one big happy family for many years. I can faintly remember the sweet aroma of butterscotch-cinnamon pie escaping the kitchen and the jokes and puns being shouted throughout the house. The late night talk shows that featured a familar pink robot and the smell of burning spaghetti that stung my nose hairs. The spears the pieced the yellow wallpaper that adorned the living room walls and a yellow dinosaur that geeked out on the couch over an anime that no one thought existed.

These memories were precious and the only thing keeping me sane through this nightmare.

Though the reason there just memories is because Frisk tore away the happy life we lived on the surface. She's the reason why I'm in this endless curse.

And I'll do what ever it takes to get out of it...
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day. I plan to upload every other day.

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