Chapter 4

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My eyes still stung from the overpowering light that was emitted from the two combined souls. White and blue speckles dotted my vision as a ringing noise effected my hearing.

I took a few moments before these nuisances dispersed from my senses. Finally gathering my thoughts, I looked at the new soul that was now floating in front of me. It had a base color of red with a vibrant yellow outline and glow surrounding it.

In a way, it was breathtaking. Not only did it look magnificent, but the power it stored was god like.

The power of immortally. The power to change fate itself.

And it was floating in my unworthy grasp.

I took it upon myself to make sure no one in this world would misuse this power again.

But first things first, I need to set my friends and family free from this cage. And this time I'll make sure they stay on the surface.

They deserve JUSTICE for Frisk's actions.

I escape my distracting thoughts as I now look upon the lifeless body. Even after all the times I've seen them die, this death was the most disturbing.

They looked as if they were only sleeping. Nothing really stood out to show that they were dead. The only way to notice by sight, is by the dark bruises that decorated their white neck. I was so used to seeming them impaled by a bone or spear, something that had proven to me that they were gone. This was just so different.

Though I knew I had to hide the body because Toriel travels to this area constantly to check if anyone had fallen recently.

I can't let anyone know I killed frisk...

I patiently make my way over to the motionless body that laid on the beautiful flowers. Sighing at the sight of what I have done.

"You made me do this." I say to Frisk. And what I spoke was the truth.

If it wasn't for them I would of never committed such a sin.

I kneel down behind Frisk's head in gently pet her light brown hair. I remove a strand of it from her closed eyes and place it back where the rest of there hair has settled.

I remove my hands from Frisk's face and slowly slide my hands under her body and loop my arms around there armpits. I lift one of my legs out of my kneeling position and force myself into a hunched, over standing position.

"You're a lot heavier than you look." I jokingly say as I dragged Frisk's dead body over to crack in the cave wall. Frisk's limp legs and feet left tracks in the dirt that acted as a guide to where there body would be hidden. I made sure to cover them up.

I gently and carefully place Frisk's small body in a crack and cover the entrance to the gap with loose rocks I found laying around the small room.

Once I was satisfied with my work, I checked my stats that I suspected had changed due to the fight I just had where I killed Frisk.

|    HP: 28/28    LVL: 3    EXP:30  |

My suspicions were right. My LVL had increased in some with my EXP and health. I knew I was going to have to hide this from everybody or they might get suspicious.

I put away my amazing soul and take in the view of the entrance to the underground one last time.

"Hopefully this will be the last time we meet, old friend."

And with these final words, I exit the first room of the underground.

Thank you for reading. I may take a couple days break from this due to me leaving for vacation tomorrow. I will try and continue it on my vacation but no promises. Have a Pun-tastic day!

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