Chapter 5

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I take the final step through the dusty archway that leads out of the room I was in. I need to get as far away from that room as I can.

As I enter the next room, I look around curiously trying to take notice as to if anything had changed.

From being in the ruins so many times, I started to remeber every crack that laid in the purple brick wall and every leaf pile that littered the stone path ahead of me.

And from my many runs, I also know I meet a intresting friend in the very room I was in.

"So you finally made it. What took you so long?" A male voice said towards my direction.

I look up from the stone floor and look this new character in the eyes.

He was a flower that closely resembled a tiger lilly but had completely yellow petals. A face occupied the small white round circle that was inbetween the petals. It had to black cartoon  eyes and a faked smile was plastered on his face.

Flowey was his name. This souless flower was once a caring prince that died many years ago.

Flowey seemed to become uncomfortable from my lack of anwser. So he decided to break the akward silence.

"So Frisk, what run do you plan to do this time?" He said in a disgusted tone.

No anwser.

He then looks around my figure trying to spot out the missing child that was supposed to anwser his question. Once he was sure that Frisk was no where to be seen, he then proceeded to ask me yet another question.

"Where's Frisk?"

These words seemed to echo in my head. This was the one question I so badly wanted to avoid. I needed to come up with a believable lie and fast.

"I didn't see them fall down." I mentally face palm at my anwser. Was that really the best anwser I could come up with.

Flowey's face seemed to lighten up at my anwser, as if hes been waiting for me to say that for a long time.

Though before he could express his new found emotions in words, loud foot steps echoed through the ruins hallways.

Flowey glances in the direction of the heavy foot steps and then looks back at me. His face was deadly serious now.

"With Frisk not here, that means your in control of the reset ability." He pauses thinking of his next words.

He lets out a small sigh and looks down at his stem.

"Just let us go. Let these pointless runs end." He takes yet another pause before saying the next word which took me by surprise.

"Please." He then disappears into the grassy ground beneath him.

I was shocked for the few silent seconds I had until the approching footsteps reached my room.

"My child! Are you alright?" A soft femine voice shouted from the other entrance of the room.

I exit my thoughts and looked at the lady infront of me.

This was Toriel. She was a caring mother of two children, Chara and Asriel, who died two hundred years ago. Chara died by eating poisonous flowers, while Asriel died from a human attack.

Her husband was the king of this very underground, but the king, Asgore, started killing and collecting human souls so he could destroy the barrier that kept them under this mountain. Toriel found it best if she left the throne behind and hid in the ruins away from her revenge driven husband.

Her apperance was a charming one. She closley resembled a female goat that stood on its hind legs . Though instead of having hooves, she had great big fluffy paws that had soft pink padding that resembled a cats paw. She had great big purple eyes that glimmered in the light and big droopy ears that dangled on the side of her head. She wore a long purple gown that held the royal faimly crest on its center.

I nod my head to the goat-moms question.

Noticing my silent anwser, she begins to walk towards me and stops around 3 feet away from my body. She kneels on one knee so she is now eye level with me and slowly grabs my less injured hand. She carefully lifts my hand towards her chest as she then looks me straight in the eyes with a gentle smile.

"Please my child. Let me guide you through these dangerous, puzzle filled ruins."

Thanks for reading and have a pun-tastic day!

My Perfect World |A Undertale AU|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat