Chapter 3

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(Warning: This chapter will contain a violent scene.)

"Can I absorb Frisk's soul?"

My eyes widened at my unexpected thought.

'They wouldn't be able to reset anymore because they would have control over their own soul.'

'I-i would finally be free!'

For the first time in years, a genuine smile grew on my pale face. I would finally be able to put a stop to these endless runs.

But at what cost?

My smile was soon replaced with a concerned frown as I noticed a flaw in my plan.

To be able to obtain their soul...

I would have to...



Now, I know I said that I wished Frisk would of perished in battle, but that's because someone else managed to kill them. I never imagined or even thought of killing them myself.

' What if my plan fails? Would they be mad at me? Would they try and kill me?' I started to panic due to the amount of risk I was taking if I were to carry out my once seemingly flawless plan.

'But even if they kill me, it's not like I'll stay dead.'

After a few more moments of trying to convince myself, I finally decided that I would carry out my idea.

I slowly began to force my still aching body into the closest standing position I could manage.

I then glanced at Frisk's body once more and doubted my actions again, but it didn't matter if I wanted to kill them or not...

I had to.

My legs began to work on there own. They slowly limped there way over to the unaware child that laied on a bed of golden flowers.

/Warning: Violent scene ahead/

I now stood above Frisk, towering over there sleeping form. Looking upon them, I noticed for the first time just how small they actually were.

She had to be around 4'11 considering shes a little smaller than me. (By the way I'm 5'1)

I guess I never really noticed that they were just a meer child. I just always thought of them as a demonic like human much rather then a mentally damaged kid.

I knew I was just trying to stall my next actions.

Finally gaining enough courage to carry out my task, I bent down and straddled Frisk's body. With one of my hands, I slowly shifted Frisk's limp head so that her closed, unaware eyes were facing me.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper to Frisk, understanding that they would not answer back.

I then firmly clasped the hand I used to tilt Frisk's head around their cold throat. While my other hand did the same.

I then proceeded to push my thumbs on the vibrating esophagus that was helping Frisk breath.

Meer moments later, Frisk jolted there once closed eyes open and started gasping for air that they knew would be impossible to get. They flailed their arms around the golden flowers until, finally, settling upon my trembling wrists.

They tried and tried with all their might to pry my hands from their throat, but failed miserably.

After a few minutes of them struggling, there cherry red face turned into a dark purple. Their brown eyes slowly rolled into the back of their head while their once shaking body fell limp under my weight.

I stayed like this for another three minutes, enjoying every second of it. I then released my aching fingers from Frisk's now bruised neck.

I knew I wouldn't have much time before Frisk attempted to reset again, so I quickly grabbed there now cracked soul and forced it towards my bright yellow soul.

As soon as they made contact, a blinding light was released from the area the two souls met. A burning sensation clasped it hands around my hurting soul.

I knew then, there was no going back.

Thank you for reading once again and I hope you have a pun-tastic day!!!

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