Chapter 7

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Thats all I could hear.


Empty blackness was all I could see.

I looked around the dark void in desperation of seeing something, anything.

But no matter where I looked, there was always nothing.

My eyes darted through the darkness for several minutes before finally settling on the direction the crying was coming from.

With no other choice, I started approching the broken crying.

The darkness that was below my feet felt as if it formed at my touch. The milisecond my foot touched the ground below me, it felt as if nothing was there. But before I had time to fall into the endless darkness beneath me, a jello like substance formed under my yellow converse.

My mind was always suprised with this discovery every step I took.

How did it work? How could it form so fast?

Though my thoughts were cut off by the sudden feeling of being watched.

Out of instinct, I turned around trying to reassure myself that it was just a meaningless feeling.

I couldn't be more wrong.

The moment I fully turned around, I noticed a set of red eyes staring at me through the darkness.

I couldn't make out a body that could possibly belong to the illuminating eyes, nor could I see a face.

Only eyes...

After studying the cherry eyes, I noticed they seemed to be closer than before.

I ptocceded to spin my body around and I started sprinting towards the direction I was heading before I was rudely interrupted.

I could hear my shoes pounding off the mysterious floor under me, filling the empty void with noise. My heavy breathing accompined the sound of my shoes, but I was still wondering how close the beast behind me was.

Though on the bright side, I was getting closer to the source of the crying.

Continuing to run, I drifted my attention to the large dark circle that layed on the ground infront of me. It almost blended into the floor around it considering it was only a slight darker shade of black.

I decided the best thing to do was to avoid it, but that option was cast aside as I looked at the size of it.

If I decided to run around it, the creature would have the chance of reaching me faster. But if I run over it, anything could happen.

It was mere feet away from the circle now. I needed to choose and fast.

But before I made it to the circle, I felt two human hands press against my back, forcing my face towards the dark circle.

I immedatly force my arms in front of my face for protection while I brace my body for impact.

Though it doesn't come.

I was falling. At least I thought it was. The ground below me was approaching my helpless body at the alarming rate, but I couldn't feel any air brush against my body as I fell to the ground.

Surprisingly, I felt no fear when I was decending to the ground below. Instead I waited patiently for the impact.


My body had finally hit the ground.

I felt no pain from the fall, and barley noticed I even hit the ground.

After taking note of what just happened, I procced to lift my body from the soft ground below me.

The room looked almost exactly the same as the entrance to the underground.

Except everything was devoid of color.

The once bright yellow flowers were now painted a gloomy grey, while the once dark purple pillars were now a pitch black.

Though there was one thing that was throwing me off... there was no exit. It seemed as if I had fallen into a inescapable hole.

I start walking to the area of were the exit would be if it was the normal underground. I start studying the wall in hope of finding a hidden switch or a lever.

"Why?" A quite voice said behind me.

I immediately spin my body around and brace my body for a unexpected fight.

But what I saw paralized me...

It was Frisk.

How could she be alive? Did she reset? Am I dead?

So many questions flowed through my head.

"Why did you do it?" They said still facing away from me.

This question made me almost throw a punch at them.

How dare they ask why I killed them. They obviously know that they killed everyone over and over again.

A life for a life right?

"Don't play dumb with me Frisk. You know exactly why I killed you." I said plainly, glaring at the back of there head.

"I do... but it wasn't my fault. I-"

I cut her off.

"Not your fault?' How could it not be. I watched you kill all of them multiple times and not once did you say you regretted it." My fists tightened, leaving small indents in my skin from my nails. "Don't you dare say that it wasn't your fault!"

Frisk seemed to be taken aback from my comment. Her once calm hands clenched in to fists while her posture straightned.

"You don't understand! It-"
I cut her off once again.

"Oh I understand alright. You just couldn't be happy with a pacifist ending so you decided to make everybody elses life miserable by killing them and entraping them in an endless loop." I felt as if I could go on and on about how one messed up brat was able to cause so much pain and suffering to me and my friends.

"I wasn't in control! Chara was. Chara did it!" She said almost like how a little child would do if they tattled on there sibling.

She turned around and faced me with a face full of endless tears. Her eyes were red and puffy as if shes been crying for a few hours.

I rolled my eyes at the pathetic gesture.

"Why are you crying? You didnt cry when all our friends were dead, so why are you crying now?"

Frisk then dragged her sleave across there face in hope of trying to wipe her tears away.

It wasn't succsessful.

Before I could make a smart comback to the failed gesture, the world around me was turning a bright white. It continued to brighten until my sight was completley covered in the light.

After a few seconds of seeing the blinding light, my eyes opened to a fimilar sight. The room around me was a red bedroom and my tired body was lying on the red bed.

"Please... believe me. Dont let her take control of you too." Frisks voice echoed through my head.

It was just a dream right?

Thanks for reading. This chapter is a bit longer than the other ones considering I havent posted in a while. Im still on vacation and I should be back home in a few days. Anyways, have a pun-tastic day.

My Perfect World |A Undertale AU|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu