Chapter 8

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I laid in the small, comfy bed longer than I anticipated on. I just couldn't get the nightmare out of my head. It felt so real... It felt as if I was actually there. Though, if that is the case, then Frisk really can't reset.

Frisk is actually dead.

A large smile grew on my face from the sadistic thought. I can't believe I actually did it.

I bolted my body into a sitting postion so I could get a better veiw or the small, red room. I had already examined the room countless times before, so I didn't truly understand why I still did. Maybe its a comfort thing? I don't know...

I dragged my waking eyes across the room, like I always do. Theres always a small red bed thats dressed with a white and red conforter and a soft dark, pink pillow. The matress layed on a sturdy oak frame that never creaked or emitted any noise even when you jumped on it.

I graze my pale hand across the conforter, and then return it to my lap. It feels the same as always...

A dissipointed look grew on my face. Nothing ever changes so why should this run be any diffrent. What if I only pissed off the bull? What if Frisk is just toying with me?

I shake my thought filled head as to distract me from my deppressing thoughts. I need to focus on getting out of here.

I push my tired body off the comfy bed and let my short legs catch my weight. I then procced to crouch down beside the bed so that my eyes barly made eye level with the top of the matress. I blindly reach my hand under the red bed and gently feel around searching for the fimilar fabric. Finally, my soft hand landed on a rough padded miteral and grabbed it. I slowly begin to drag the item out from under the bed as it creates a low scratching sound on the wooden floor. I pull the object into my veiw and study it.

Its a regular sized backpack, and it looked like one a kid would bring to school. It was a dark black color with a leather strap wrapped around the waist of it. A small, bronze buckle held the peice of leather into a tight loop while the word perserverence was carved into the hard miteral.

The bag itself was very ordinary for it only consited of one large pocket that was currently empty. Not for long though...

I swing the light pack over my shoulder and put my arm through the back pack strap. I stand up from my crouching position and once again look around the room. My eyes settled on a medium pplate that now laied in the middle of the dark pink rug. The plate was holding a caramel colored pie attop of it that reeked of cinniomion and butterscotch. The pie looked almost picture perfect with its perfectly cut edges and the stem that puffed out of the top of it.

I walk towards the dreamy pie as my thoughts fill with the past memorys of eating it. Lets just say... it tastes as good as it looks.

I grab the white plate and lift it towards my hungry face. A loud growl from my stomach fills the room around me as every fiber in my body beckons and begs me to eat it. Though I know it might come in handy later...

I sniff the tainted air around the pie already knowing the anwser to my investigation.

Finally being satisfed with the pie, I grab a clean pencil case that was laying on top of the wooden desk by the door and place the amazing pie in it. I set the small plate back on the rug and notice somthing strange...

There was a peice of butterscotch candy beside it. Now this may not seem like a big thing, but in my circumstances, it was a miracle.

Usually Toriel only leaves me a delicious pie on the floor, she has always played the same part over and over again. She has never done this before...

I pick up the yummy candy off the floor in pure amazment. I pull the candy closer to my face so I could further examine the musterious wrapped candy.

This small peice of candy was proof that things were changing. That I actually made a change.

I pop the delicious candy into my backpack along with the homemade pie and zipp up the large pocket. I lift my body up from my previous crouching position and start to head for the door that would lead to the long hallway.

But before I leave the ruins completely, I must first gain Toriels trust.

Now this task is not hard at all, but it is time consuming. I will need to stay here for approximately four days tops before I eventually decide that I need to leave.

I grab the old bronze doorknob and pull open the large wooden door. Finally making a gap big enough for my body to comfortably slip through, I start walking down the long hallway towards the peacful humming.

I know this melody from heart. Everynight that I stayed here, she always insited on humming me a lulliby before I go to bed. Now I know it seems quite childish, but the melody is so calming and soothing that I doubt I could even say no to her request.

The sound of my muffled footsteps echoed throughout the well light hallway as I approched my destination. Vases full of bright yellow flowers lined the pale walls while pictures of the once royal faimly hanged elegantly from sturdy nails.

I place my hand on the entry archway into the living room and lean my weight onto it. I peeked around the archway and looked around the large room.

Near the fireplace, Toriel sat on the brown arm chair while her hands fiddled with a old book. Her eyes glanced through the pages as if she has already read the book many times before.

I release my grip from the wooden archway and begin to walk towards the calm monster in hope of gaining her attention. As my foot found a place on a sqeaky board, Toriel looked up from her book and focused her attention on me. Her face lit up as she noticed that I had finally awoke from my short nap.

"My child, how was your rest?" She said motherly to me.

I placed a fake smile on my face as I looked her in the eyes.

"It was... pleasent." I say with a pause.

Her emotions seemed to change from happy to confused as if I said somthing weird. We both looked at each other in silence and awkwardness until I finally broke the silence.

"What you readin?" I say nonchalantly as I stick my hands in my pockets and lean on the heels of my feet.

She breaks her eye contact with me and glances at the book she is holding. She fumbles with the pages for a few seconds before returning her gaze on me. I knew what she was reading from past resets. She reading 1001 facts about sna-

"Im reading The History of Monsters, child." She says with a smile.

What? Thats not right! Shes never read that before! I didn't even know she owned that book and-

"Would you like me to read it to you?" She asked curiously. You could tell by her actions that she was hoping for me to say yes.

But my mind was to confused with the many changes that were in this timeline. I must of been caught in my thoughts for a while because Toriel seems to become worried.

"Im sorry... if you don't want me too-" her face slowly drops into a sad expression.

"No, I would appreciate it if you would read that book to me." I once again plastered a forced smile on my face.

And with that, I walk to the open floor infront of the fireplace and Toriels chair. I sit criss cross applesauce on the warm floor and tune my ears into the distant reading of the goat monster, Toriel.

I thought to myself, this is going to be a long four days.

Sorry I havent posted in a while I was just really busy the past few days but I should be posting once a week now. Anyways thanks for reading.

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