Chapter 9

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Elizabeth POV

I had scolded the boys for coming and we were now sitting down to eat dinner, Bill who had always been pretty quiet had insisted we sit in age order. I hated it because this just made it easier to see how much younger than everyone else I was. Even Ethan was older than me. Only James was younger than me. It also showed them how small and lithe I was. Suddenly my phone rang. It was my mother. I took out a remote and a huge screen rolled out, my phone screen projected on there. I accepted. My mothers face showed up. 

"Hi! How are you guys?"My mother said cheerily. The boys looked at me afraid I would tell mother and father about their incident but I decided not to.

"We are wonderful!" I chirp. The boys let out an inaudible sigh.

"That is great!" She said even more chirpily. "We have good news! We are having another child!" All the boys groaned but I squealed. I may not show it all the time but I do have a girl in me!

"Oh my god! Yes yes yes! We will have a baby in the house! Oh I hope it is a girl!" I squeal again.

"Oh Honey!" My mother said sympathetically. "I don't think you understood. We are adopting a boy around Owen and Olly's age." I just gape. 7 boys is not enough!

"We will bring him tomorrow." My new dad said quickly, cutting off the call.

Sorry about the short chapter I have been a little busy lately

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