08-The Fair Lady (Pt.2)

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|Washington D.C.|

In her apartment, all she can do is watching movies and reading books. There are stuff that's on her mind right now but she's kind of glad that Mrs. Halligan isn't actually a target.

"Hey. Umm...this is Sebastian. Remember me? We were sort of...having a date?"
"Yeah, haha. Well I remember. It was fun."
"Right...and you were kind of promise me to having another date tonight?" She can hear him chuckles. "Oh god.... I totally forgot. I'm so sorry. But I can't make it. I have to stay at home. Boss' order. I got a flu and..."
"Really? Ah...too bad I thought I could pick you up. I'm already outside your apartment."
"What? Oh....um...okay, maybe you can come in. I'm watching a movie."
"Yeah? What movie?"
"Right now? It's Back to The Future."
"You're kidding me? We were talking about it the other night. I'll come in then."
"Absolutely. It's so boring in here."

*In the D.C. Office*

Even though Gibbs didn't give a proper explanation to why Allison was being pulled from the case, McGee is still trying to dig deep down. "Boss, the dead agent, dead end. We still can't find a connection between Agent Gertrude and the gun."
"What about Mrs. Halligan? Her case?"
"She's been transported into another safe house, with Tony.. Director's order. But the case also has no connection to any of Krilov's case. Everything about her is in this folder." McGee gives Gibbs some files and then goes to another info, "Abby said the gun is clean, but.....there is a suspicious money trail from Victor Krilov's account a week ago, to a name...Ed Edinburg, possibly our sniper..... Woops, nevermind..."
"What McGee?"
"Uh...boss...because Edinburg is dead. 8 years ago." Gibbs is thinking that this Edinburg is another alias used in The Mirror Project. Probably one of the ex-trainee. So maybe it's not about the dead agent after all. Maybe the shooting is a message from Franz. Probably hired this Edinburg to deliver it.

"McGee, pulled everything about Mrs. Halligan and Allison."
"Just do it. I'll be back soon. I need to call Mike." He goes into the elevator and pulling the emergency stop.
"Mike, Ed Edinburg. Ring a bell?"
"Yeah. It was one of undercover alias used in The Mirror Project. Ed was a crooked one. He was a trainee 4 years before Grant. Rumors says now he became a real life gun for hire. With undercover background."
"Do we have any pictures of this man?"
"Not me. Fornell got pictures but no name."
"Alright. Thank you Mike."
"Got it probie."

Gibbs dial Fornell's phone, "Hey Fornell. I need pictures of The Mirror ex-trainee. All of them."
"I'm driving Emily to school. Can't it wait? Why on earth did you need that again? You suspect Grant of anything?"
"No, not Grant. Another 3. Can you give it to me?"
"I'll be there in 25."

After he got out from the elevator, Gibbs see Tony all sweaty, "Working out DiNozzo?"
"No boss. Just going upstairs. Since you...stop the elevator." Gibbs looks at him, ready to head slap him. "Nevermind boss. I'm happy to take the stairs."

"McGee, what do you got?"
"A weird timeline boss." He put those files on the screen and Tony got confused, "Why put Mrs.Halligan with Allison together?"
"Because this...Tony." McGee highlights some key events. "There are 3 years missing from Allison's records, and when she came back, her mother died from a heart attack. Now look at this. Mrs. Halligan didn't exist until Allison's mom died, she came to D.C. suspiciously from New York."
"Are you saying Mrs. Halligan is Allison's mother?"
"Most likely, yes Tony. It seems like it's not the first time Mrs. Halligan or Mrs. Grant get into witness protection. Allison probably get her mom into one, but why?" McGee still can't have a full answer and he's getting frustrated.

But Gibbs already got the picture and he can't disclose it, until the Director text him, telling him to do what they had to do. "Franz Krilov."
"What boss?"
"Grant tried to protect her from him."
"Grant is Paula. She killed Victor in a black op, and set up Franz."
"What? She married that guy???? No wonder he tried to kill her mom.....wait...But he's in prison..."
"Not anymore, the Director told me he's out today. The payment from his brother's account, McGee."
"The payment...to the dead guy Edinburg? You think it's Franz?"
"But Ed is dead."
"Nah, I don't think so." Both McGee and Tony are confused, "Long story, Ed was in another black ops. The position that later became Grant's. But Ed is now a gun for hire."
"Do we have any idea who's the guy?"
"No, not yet. But there are only 6 persons on the program from year to year. I was one of them, Ari Haswari and Grant as well."
"Ari Haswari???" Tony seems can't believe that Gibbs and Grant would into the same program with Ari. "Right, him. So only 3 others left. Fornell would get their pictures to you."

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