16-Crystal Clear (Pt. 2)

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|Washington D.C.|

It's been 2 days and they still couldn't find Sgt. Cameron. There are so little evidence and they can't push anything without findings. "Is there anyone who can give me anything??" Gibbs is losing his edge and he started yelling.

"Nothing yet boss. We couldn't find any evidence oof foul play on Sgt. Calle's death." Tony is the first to talk. "What about the 2 suspects that you two talked about?"
"Uh...they're clean boss. At least what we could find on them. I'm working on it." Allison get her bag and ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna re-check everyone boss."
"I'll go with her." Tony is about to get up but Gibbs stop him. "You're not going anywhere."
"You stay here and help McGee. I'll go."
"Okay boss."

After they left, Tony runs down. "Where are you going Tony?"
"I can't do computer thing McGoo. But I'll check with Abby." He goes down and goes inside the lab where Abby just finished process the uniform. "What do you got Abbs?"
"Something hinky. It might be Sgt. Cameron's blood, but there's something that doesn't make sense."
"Like what?"
"Do you see where the blood came from?"
"Sgt. Cameron?"
"I know Tony. But unless he wore the uniform on a wrong side, the blood came from the outside of his body. Like someone went a great length to fake it."
"He's not wounded."
"I don't say he isn't. This cut mark around stomach is definitely real. I mean it could be a stab wound. But I'm sure the blood on other area was poured into the uniform."

Tony lift up the fabric and feels something underneath a patch. "Abbs. Are you finished processing this?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"There's a stiff part around this patch."
"Maybe it's just the patch."
"No, I can feel something else. Can you detach this?"
"Sure. Wait a minute." Abby cut the edge of the patch and then take a look inside, "You're right Tony. It's a memory card."

"Put it up on plasma Abbs." When she put it out, Tony's eyes widen, "God damn...Allison was right...one of them is the mole."


After re-interview everyone there, both Gibbs and Allison decided to check Sgt. Cameron's office just to make sure they didn't leave out anything. Only an hour into it, they find something.

"You find something?"
"A camcorder."
"Sgt. Calle's?"
"Absolutely. Same model, same color. So Sgt. Cameron really did find a proof."
"Let me see it." Gibbs turn it on but there's nothing inside it. "Is it broken?"
"No boss...someone took the memory card."
"We lost it."
"Whoever hurt Sgt. Cameron probably did it to destroy any evidence."
"Alright, bag and tag. I'll call DiNozzo."

He get his phone but it seems like they couldn't get any reception. "There's no signal. What about you?"
"Me neither boss. You want me to go out and make a call?"
"No, stay here and continue process the room. I'll call him."

He gets out of the building and see two bars on his phone. Enough to make a call.
"Boss! I've been calling you for an hour. Abby and I, we got this..."
"Whoaa. Slow down Allison find the camera.  But no card. Bastard took it. We will get back after she finished to..." Tony cut him before he can say it all, "No, boss.  We got the card inside Sgt. Cameron's uniform. The bastard is a bitch.  Officer Sarah Marisol." And then he remember seeing her on his way out to make a call. "Damn it, she's looking for the evidence." He quickly goes inside the building, into Sgt. Cameron's office where there's no sign of struggle, but both the camcorder and Allison are missing. He runs out trying to find her but she's nowhere to be found.

"Where is the surveillance room, petty officer?"
"At the end of the hall, right on the left."
"Thank you."

He got an officer in charge to play the recording in Sgt. Cameron's office. On that video, officer Marisol was talking to Allison. It doesn't seem like she's in distressed so Marisol is more likely lure her out with something that she said.

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