15-Crystal Clear (Pt. 1)

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|Washington D.C.|

"I got this doc. I'm totally on my peak."
"You're assessment is incomplete Ms. Grant."
"Did I pass the test?"
"Yes but.. "
"Then we're thorough. Am I right? I'm ready to work again."
"Technically, yes, but there are things that I need to address about..."
"Good bye doc." She gets up and then leaves the room. Running straight to the squad room.

"I'm back!" She's all smile and bouncy. "Allison?"
"What McGee?"
"You might not want to wake him up." He points to Tony who seems terrible.

"What happened to him?"
"He broke up."
"With Hellena?"
"No. With Carly."
"Who? I thought it was Hellena."
"He broke up with her a week ago. And then went to a date with Carly a day after. Now he break up again."
"A week? Huh, that's a record. What's wrong?"
"I don't know. But he's being weird."
"Weird how?"
"Come here." McGee signs her to get closer so he can tell her quietly.

"It seems that Carly got intimate too quickly."
"Wait, DiNozzo refused to get intimate? What year is this?"
"I know. It's weird right?"

"I can hear you McGoo. Stop spreading gossips about me." Tony wakes up, with unpleasant face and sleepless eyes. "Don't worry Tony. You're gonna get better." Allison forces the positive mindset to him but it doesn't work. "Why she had to do that? It...ruined everything."
"Well Tony, usually you...like those sort of things."
"Well, not this time McGinger. I think I'm cursed. Help."
"No you're not. You're talking nonsense!" Allison smack Tony's shoulder and looks at his eyes. "Don't...over thinking! Go with the flow!"
"Easy for you, Spencer is like a guy version of you. You two basically soulmates." When Tony says that, Allison's face change and she quietly walk back to her desk.

"What's wrong? Why you're acting weird when I mentioned Spencer."
"Nothing. We're good."
"Are you?"
"Would everyone stop asking me that!" She suddenly snaps and both McGee and Tony know there's definitely something wrong with her.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to...raise my tone. Excuse me." She walks out and get into the elevator.

"Tony, did she just..."
"Exploded? Absolutely. I gotta talk to her." He runs out, trying to catch her. By the time he got out, he see her just waiting in a line to buy a cup of coffee.
"Allison, we need to talk....."
"If you're gonna lecture me, I advise you not to."
"No I'm not, but Gibbs will."
"You're gonna tell him?"
"About what? Snapped in the squad room? Absolutely. Unless you tell me what happened."
"Hey! I'm serious. What is it? Something bothered you. And what the hell happened to us? I thought we passed that."
"Passed what?"
"The new us? The kind of sharing our problems to each other. You need to keep your word better."
"Alright! Alright! Geez....." She chuckles and then take a breath for awhile. "Me and Spencer sort of taking a break."
"Wait, why? I thought you two are great the last time I saw you guys."
"After.....the kidnapping, I sort of having some anger issues. I mean it wasn't Spencer's fault. It's just me....sometimes I got mad easily. He often received bitter words from me. I guess it was exhausting for both of us. Especially him. He suggests us to taking a break. But the truth is.....I'm not really sure he's gonna take me back."
"Of course he's going to. He really love you. I truly believe that. Why the hell not?"
"You didn't see his eyes Tony. The last time we met, it's like.....he keep a distance from me. There's this sad eyes on him. I told you Tony, I blew it."
"Need a hug?" He smiles and it makes her chuckles. "Always." He hug her for for awhile and for the first time she feels something being lifted from her shoulder. "One thing that I love from you Tony, because you're always there for me."
"Of course, I got a big....." She laughs, "Big what? Heart?"
"Come on. It's not that."
"Then what?"
"Shoulder. Very big shoulder."
"Sure it is." She smiles and then smack Tony's head. "Hey! It's exclusive Gibbs' move."
"That one is for teasing me."
"Worth a shot." They both then walk back into the buildings where Gibbs and McGee is getting ready to leave.

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