10-No White Lies (Pt.1)

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|Navy Hospital|

Soon as she heard about the accident, she rushes in, trying to find where he is. "Anthony DiNozzo, NCIS agent, he was brought here half an hour ago?" The receptionist looks into the computer but couldn't find his name. "He never got here. They said to bring him here but we got a call 20 minutes ago that uh....he didn't make it so they brought his body to NCIS." Just like a lightning strike, she's frozen there. It's almost like she's brain-dead. "No, I just talked to him when they picked him up. There must be a mistake."

She runs out of the hospital and with shaky hands tries to make a call. "Gibbs, where are you?"
"I'm on my way to the hospital Al, how's Tony?"
"Gibbs, they said Tony's gone. It must be a mistake right?"
"Wait, slowly. What did you say?"
"The hospital said he didn't make it. That they brought his body to NCIS. Is Ducky there?"
"No. He's with me. Hold on... Go to the office. Meet us there. Can you do that?"
"Yes. I'll be there."
"Are you sure? I can pick you up right now."
"No, I....I can do it myself." After she hang up, she got another call. This time without ID.

"Grant. Who's this?" She listen carefully but still nothing. Not even a word. "Seriously who's this?"
"Tell Shephard, it's a message."
"Wait, what message? What are you talking about?" Whoever the person behind the call immediately hang up. Her mind is scrambled like an egg. The night is still young and it feels like she can't take it anymore.

|The D.C. Office|

She got out the elevator still with a messy mind. She can't believe Tony is gone, she keeps looking at his table and hoping that it's just a silly bad dream. "Grant? Hey, Grant!"
"Uh, sorry Gibbs. I didn't hear you." He knows she's not in her right mind at the moment. "Are you really okay? I need your clear head right now."
"Um, yeah. Of course. Where's Ducky? He had Tony's.....did he got him?"
"No. No he's not. That's the problem, no one saying about him being dead. Witness saw him being picked just with bruises, he looks very much alive. We believe someone got him. There's no proof that he's gone Grant. McGee is looking into whoever told the hospital that he didn't make it. You told me Tony called you when someone was trying to run him out of the road?"
"Yeah he did. Are you positive he's still alive?"
"I am. But I don't know how long. And yet we still don't know why he was targeted. I need you to profile Tony."

She's then thinking about the strange call she got before she get here. She didn't think of it when she got it, but now Gibbs mentioned about Tony being held by someone, she assumes the call is connected. "Boss..."
"Yeah? You had something in mind?"
"I received this strange call like an hour ago."
"What is it?"
"Nothing at first...no sound...but then someone said that I should tell the director that it's a message."
"What is the message?"
"That's what confused me...but I think it might be Tony. He's a message to the director."

Gibbs then running straight to the director's office, something is on his mind. "Grant, get that call to McGee! Tell him to trace it!" Allison goes down stairs to see McGee in Abby's lab where he's currently tracking down thesupposedd medical personnel who told the hospital that Tony's dead.

"McGee, have you find the hospital tipster?"
"No, we're working on it. We're almost there...." She cut whatever he's doing, "Gibbs asked you to do something."
"Track the last incoming call to my phone."
"Okay, wait a minute...... Abbs, you got the tipster?" He turns the last part to Abby so he can focus on Allison's call.

After working on it for awhile, both Abby and McGee see something that makes them gasping. "McGee, it's the same person. Whoever that is, he makes both phone call. Voice match, both was made with the same burn phone."
"Abby is right....Al, we have to tell Gibbs."
"Even better. He's with the Director. She owes some explaining to do."

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