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Four hours later, my entire flat had been scrubbed top to bottom and organized to perfection, all thanks to the curly-haired lad I was now facing off with in the bathroom.

"No, Niall, I said no, I don't need a bath!" he shrieked, stomping his feet and making me want to laugh as he was nude besides pullup and trying very hard to be intimidating.

Needless to say, he wasn't.

"Harry, buddy, look at yourself!" I cried out exasperatedly, gesturing to his tall body with one hand, the other firmly fixed on my hip, " You're sweating buckets, your hair is a greasy mess, and you've been in that messy nappy the whole of the morning! You need a wash." I stated firmly.

He looked down at himself, his cheeks turning cherry red," It's not a nappy!"he cried, looking severely offended at the suggestion.

I rolled my eyes inwardly, my patience, even as a nurse wearing thin, having had little to no sleep the night before,"Harry, Niall has calls he has to make, okay?" I explained, sitting down on the edge of the tub in front of him, and leaning forward slightly,"I understand if you want to wash yourself but let's just let me take this nasty nap-" I stopped myself, looking up cautiously into his face" I mean, pullup off, alright?"

He looked sold on the idea, so I reached an arm out and took hold of one side of the pullup and started to rip the side to remove it from where it hung loosely on his thin hips.

In a flurry of motion, I was shoved backwards into the warm water of the bath I'd run by the one for whom it'd been ran.

"Harry!" I cried, standing up and pulling my soggy tshirt away from my chest, apparently seeing I was less than thrilled with him, he raced out of the bathroom and I heard my bedroom door slam closed.

I wasn't going to tramp about my house after him in wet clothes, so I hurriedly began to strip off my pants and tshirt.

As I slid the shirt over my head, I heard my front door swing open and hit the wall beside it with a BANG!

"Niall, have you got any fooking ice cream in the house?!" a familiar Yorkshire accent shouted at the top of his lungs as he sauntered into my kitchen.

I didn't even have to look out to know he was hunting through my freezer.

I rolled my eyes and threw my wet clothes into a pile, Louis was here.

"Lou, I've got more important things to think about than whether or not I'm fully supplied with ice cream for you to come steal!" I scolded, walking around the corner out of my bathroom and into the kitchen in nothing but my boxers.

"ZISISDABESHTEOISHECREAMOIVEADINANWHIENI!" I was greeted by my next door neighbor who was presently seated at my counter, talking to me through a mouthful of my rocky road.

I sighed,"Swallow, Louis." I told him, rolling my eyes again.

The blue-eyed man (I hesitate to call him that) finished his bite of ice cream and repeated himself," This is the best ice cream I've 'ad in awhile, Ni," then he looked me up and down, processing my undressed state and his eyes widening as he did so," Oi, Niall!" he cried, covering his eyes in mock horror.

I really needed to call Liam, another friend, as well as a social worker, if the lad had been left accidentally I needed to report him as soon as possible. I did NOT want to be accused of kidnapping.

Completely ignoring Louis' antics for a moment, I took out my phone and began scrolling through my contacts,"Lou, can you do me a favor?" I asked, absently, walking towards my bedroom door and peeking inside, Harry was curled up on the bed he'd made earlier, clad in nothing but his waterlogged pullup and snoozing soundly.

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