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Back away from me, bitch.

The brown-haired nurse stepped closer to me, again. She was wearing the outfit that she'd worn last time she'd put her hands all over my "personal effects".

The last time she'd put me through the wringer, the day before last, I'd made my decision.

That was the last time any woman put her hands on me.

God, people wonder why I'm gay.

I made an attempt to kick my feet out as she started the agonizingly long process of pulling the gown, my only vestige of modesty here, up and exposing me again to both Liam and Zayn.

Zayn seeing me naked, I wasn't too concerned about.

The number of one-nighters I'd crashed for him, where some poor little tramp wound up half-crippled as she stumbled out, I wasn't the least bit unconvinced that that man was one hundred and ten percent straight.

Not a real worry, nope.

However, the last time Liam had been in the vicinity of my crown jewels, shit had gone down. Mr. Liam Payne, all business and propriety, was just a tiny bit too handy for this twink.

No. No sirreee.

Just because I was slightly incapacitated at the moment, didn't mean that I was going to let everybody and their brother ogle at me sanctity.

(I say slightly, but what I really mean is I couldn't even walk, because my legs just, for some reason, refused to acknowledge their acquaintance with my brain and I couldn't even shit without Zayn's help. To say that is was demeaning for a guy like me to be being fucking wiped like a toddler over Zayn's knee everytime I had to go was the understatement of the year. Never mind the sign language bullcrap he and Niall tried to use when I had to.)

The nurse have up on trying to get me to let her pull the ficking dress and turned to Zayn, looking up pleadingly. I didn't think he'd actually help her, though. He knew how much I hated being naked in front of women.

Much to my horror and dismay, as well as utter disappointment, he grabbed me firmly by the shoulders and lifted me practically off of the bed whilst turning my back to him. A second later, the back of my gown fell open and I was fighting him as well as could possibly be expected, given the circumstances, as he slipped the thin sleeves off and I was sat naked on the bed.

It was horrible.

At least, the first time, I'd been taken into the bathroom and had, at the bare minimum, been offered a little privacy. This time, though, I was sat up, stark nude for the whole world to see, the door wasn't even locked, probably and my bits were completely uncovered.

On top of everything else, they insisted on talking over my head and she he was holding my upper body still while she spread my legs wide open. I tried hard to clamp my thighs closed as she grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing the inside of them.

I tried to cry out, but I don't even know if I made a sound.

I did the only thing I could, even remotely, threw my head back against Zayn's collarbone, over and over again.

I kept at it, sooner or later, he'd have to let go of me and make me stop, I knew. Instead, though, Niall made a mad dash inside the room and held my head still.

She started washing my cock and balls, neither of which were very much to brag about, and I lost it. I don't even know when the tears started falling, I just felt them scorch down my cheeks like lava and I wondered if this was why Harry cried so much.

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