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That night;

Ryan puts on his t-shirt, jeans and his Adidas Street Casual shoes. He then took his phone, key card and wallet. He puts on his Cardiff City jacket.

"I'm out now, bro" said Ryan.

"Okay, bro. Don't beat up your sister if she pissed you off" said Pulisic.

"I'm not that mean, bruh" said Ryan. Pulisic just chuckled. Then, Ryan make his way out from the room.

Later on;

Ryan just arrived at the lobby when he saw Alex already there.

"Wow, you're so early, captain" said Ryan.

"Well, kind of habit actually. C'mon, let's take a walk" said Alex. Ryan just nodded. Then, both of them walked out from the hotel until they arrived at a park. Then, they saw a bench and later, they sat on it.

"So, what are you want to talk about?" asked Ryan.

"About us" replied Alex.

"Okay?" asked Ryan.

"Well, you see. We both never being even see each other. But me and both our sisters can't be help but wondering where had you been. But, since our father said you might ended up alcoholic and drugs addicted like your mother, even we chose to ignore you too especially we're never being close with you. We're sorry, Ryan. We're should be approaching you instead of just believe in dad" replied Alex.

"It's okay. Besides, I might not being alcoholic and drugs addicted like my mom, but I ended up being a bully in school. The only time I was not being a bully is when I was in the camp with USA U17 and Olympics Games squad. When I'm in school, I was a bully unless in training or matches" said Ryan.

"Why is that happening?" asked Alex.

"Well, after our father and my mother get divorced, I was abused by mom almost everyday for 3 years. I was kicked, slapped, get beaten with a steel rod and sometimes, she burnt me with ciggarate and many more. It will be worse if she didn't get anything that she wants. It caused me to see anyone outside soccer practice and matches as my enemy, which I regret until today. Then, when I was 15 years old, she died due to drugs overdosed" said Ryan. Alex was furious.

"Abused? Did you make a report then?" asked Alex.

"Yes. But my mom is really good in acting. She said that I'm just getting drunk and I don't know what am I doing. I swear to you, Alex. I never take a sip before I was 18. Even after I was 18, I just took alcohol once or twice but then, I no longer took it since I don't want to be like my mom no matter how bad I am" said Ryan.

"Oh my god. You have been through a lot in such a young age? You don't deserved it. So, what happen to you after your mother died?" asked Alex.

"Since then, I stayed at the foster care. I've managed to contact dad after my mom died. It's quite easy actually since you're already well-known that time but he told me that he didn't want to get related to anything about me before I can even tell him that my mother was dead. He pretended that I'm not exist. I've never contacted you or our other sisters because I don't know if you know me or not. I'm lucky that my foster mother is a good woman and both girls that she fostering saw me as their little brother" replied Ryan. Alex was so surprised.

"You stayed at a foster home with orphans while you still have family?" asked Alex.

"Yeah. I'm sorry" said Ryan. Alex then cupped Ryan's cheeks.

"No, honey. I'm the one that must be sorry. I swear that I didn't know anything about this. If I knew, I might take you and stay with me though" said Alex. Ryan then holded Alex's hand.

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