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That morning, the team got a day-off since they will face their top rival, Mexico in the final. Ryan was sleeping when he suddenly got a FaceTime request from Alex. As he knew Alex is so presistence, he just answered it.

Ryan: Hey, sis.

Alex: Hi, sweetheart. So, you didn't reject my call this time, huh.

Ryan: Because you're annoyingly presistent. I'll end up picking it up after all.

Alex giggled.

Alex: Now, you know me. Still look up on me?

Ryan: No.

Alex: You're kidding, right?

Ryan: Of course I am. You'll always be my idol. Until I surpass you of course.

Alex: Awww, you so sweet. So, how do you feel about your first final match for the National team?

Ryan: I don't know, Alex. I'm so nervous now. I came here with such a great reputation. Top 10 goal scorer of Premier League and most importantly; I am Alex Morgan's little brother. It's such a big pressure for me.

Alex: Ryan. You're worry too much about it. Yes. You came with a big reputation. Even without publics know about we being siblings. You just need to believe in yourself more. Yeah, it might just a friendly, but you played great when facing Brazil and managed to take USA to win against Brazil for the 2nd time in history. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Ryan: If we lost, will there anything change between us?

Alex: Honey, there's nothing will be changed between us. You're still my brother and I love you so much. But, of course, if you played badly in the final, you'll get a special lecture from me and I think you won't stand a chance with that.

Ryan: Really? Somehow it makes me relieve and scare at the same time.

Alex: Relieve because no matter what, you'll still having me as your sister?

Ryan: Yeah.

Alex: You're really love your meanest sister so much, huh.

Ryan: Of course I do. Getting my sisters to know me and to love me is not an easy task though.

Alex giggled.

Alex: By the way, did dad ever trying to contact you nowadays?

Ryan: Nope. I hope it will continue.

Alex: I see. Did Jeni and Jeri ever contacted you?

Ryan: Yes. They told me that they will be here in Chicago for the final.

Alex: I see. Tell them I said hi.

Ryan: Sure thing.

Alex: Okay, baby. I need to go now. Let's talk again when we won back our cups.

Ryan: Okay, sis. Goodbye. I love you.

Alex: Bye, honey. I love you too.

Then, they hung up.

Few days later;

All USA players arrived at Soldier Field, Chicago for the of 2019 Gold Cup. Few hours ago, the USA Women's team just won the FIFA Women's World Cup after defeated Nederlands with 2-0. Ryan's morale is boosted up as he wants to end up be a champion too as he was now had been confirmed as the Golden Boots winner with total 13 goals so far thus breaking a record of the most goal scored in the history of the tournament. After changed into their training kits, all players making their way to the pitch for warming up session.

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