Lies we tell ourselves

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Rose landed another kick. This time her foot collided with her lower abdomen, knocking all the air out of her. She wouldn't stop. This was the worst it had ever been, even the strangling couldn't compare. It felt like Rose really wanted to do damage, to put her back in her place. She could feel her bones crack and splinter under the pressure. The hits hailed down on her, getting harder and harder as time went on. And to make matters even more dire she wouldn't stop crying.

Pearl thought back to the events that led to this point. How Rose had threatened Steven, claiming she would teach him a lesson. She had even gone as far as to blame Pearl for his 'horrible behaviour'. Pearl had been so furious, she had goaded her, not even stopping to think.

"Don't hit little boys, hit me!"

Those words echoed in her head. Bouncing and rattling inside her mind like ghosts. It tightened around her throat with a vice like grip, choking her.

That one sentence had been her biggest downfall.

Pearl tried to stand, to get away from the never ending strikes. Rose snatched at her, lifting her effortlessly off the ground before smacking her hard across the face. Her head crashed into the edge of their cabinet, catching the corner just so. A large gash appeared on her forehead. Blood poured like an open tap onto the carpet. Swirling and dancing amongst the cream fibres. Staining it for good. She couldn't hear Roses harsh words. She couldn't move. The world spiralled, going silent, as Rose slammed her body into the floor.

Pearl thought she heard a woman faintly wailing, she took a few seconds, eyes darting around the room manically, trying desperately to figure out where the unsettling noise was coming from.

She didn't realise until the next day that it was her...


Steven had woken from his slumber with a start. His little heart raced as he clambered from his bed, hand on his tummy, clutching at his shirt. Pearls screams were only getting louder. He wanted to run to his mother, to try and save her. To be her knight for once. But he was so scared. Instead he fumbled for the brick phone, remembering what his mom had told him.

It rang once, twice, three times before Garnet picked up. Her voice was groggy. It was 2 am.



He cried, so happy she had actually answered.

"Steven? What's wrong?"

"I- I don't feel safe."

"Whats happened? Where are you?"

"I'm in my room, hurry Garnet! I can hear Mom shouting... I don't know what to do."

"Listen to me carefully, stay in your room. Wait for me. Myself and Amethyst will be with you in a little while okay?"

"Garnet will- will Mom be okay?"

"I hope so"

It was silent, Garnet could hear his small hiccups.

"Stay on the line"

Garnet threw on her clothes, humming loudly to let Steven know she was still with him. She shook Amethyst roughly, trying to wake the lilac haired teen. Her face screwed up in aggravation as she looked at the time on her phone. Garnet spoke in a low voice explaining the severity of the situation with no real details. Only that there was an emergency and they had to go and get Pearl and Steven now.  Amethyst nodded looking confused. She pulled a jacket and joggers on, stumbling behind Garnets long strides to the car. The drive itself was short and uneventful. Amethyst knew better than to ask Garnet questions. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel as she pulled into Roses empty space.

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