Chapter 10 "I wan'na go home!"

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It has been a week since October said its goodbye, now gloomy days are coming briskly and unstoppable. Too early but the rain was pouring heavily already; I don’t know but every time there’s a rain, it feels like everything just abruptly stops, slowing the motions, and just the blaring thumping of raindrops on the roof of our old school building is being heard. It’s quite comforting in a way, it feels like the heavens are listening to my request and washing every negative energy in the world. It just doesn’t want to stop, causing the students be aligned on the corridors and hallways silently quivering while watching the ground getting soaked. No ones’ moving like politely having the Angelus even if it’s not yet six p.m.

I trudged up the street with my black umbrella that could barely protect my bag and not the whole of me from the enraged rain. Passing the colorful outdoors of food courts and other apartments that has turned gloomy because of the weather, with my shoes that is already doused on the bouncing and dancing raindrops on the road. I couldn’t get a tricycle because the line of students that are waiting at the school gate looks like a procession that doesn’t seem to end anytime soon. I can’t stand looking at the rich kids being picked by their parents in business suit or their uniformed drivers in their nice cars in front of everyone and the unprivileged dotting the pedestrian lane getting drenched; and besides my apartment is just a hundred meters away from school.

I pushed open our huge main door with french style design and quickly stepping inside in my dirty wet shoes, my toes were already numb, shivering in my thin uniform that was almost fully soaked from my walking like a stubborn duck under the rain. I tossed my bag on the dining table and went inside the bathroom, stripping my clothes off me, turning on the shower in warm mode and feeling the clean water run through my hair, slipping to my back going down my legs and falling to the white marbled flooring,--- just feeling the continues cycle is quite comforting. I let the water sipped through my nakedness, facing the wall, elbow leaned on it. I wanted my body to be submerged in the water, drowning all my negative thoughts, enveloping me in its protection and cleansing the curse inside me.

After I finished my rejuvenating shower, I realized that I didn’t have a towel because I hurriedly jumped inside the bathroom, without even going inside my bedroom first. I stared for a moment at the shower head thinking how stupid I did and if how the hell will I go to my room now? And the only way I could think of is getting in my dirty clothes again. I was picking up my uniform when there’s a startling knock on the aluminum metal door of the bathroom.
“Hey, you inside?” a voiced asked.
“Cizar? Yeah I’m inside, why?”
“You might need a towel?” he asked, I opened the door a little, saying,
“Oh thanks God! Yes! Can you get…“ I was speaking when he handed me my towel.
“Here is it, I’m happy to serve” and I could hear him snickering outside. I wrapped myself with it and went inside my room to change in my silk navy blue pair of pajama.

“how---?” he interrupted me,
“I was already here when you came in; I heard someone’s coming in, so I checked if it was you. I didn’t see you but I saw your bag on the table so I assumed that you’re the one showering inside the bathroom, and it turned out I was right. At least you didn’t witness me being naked in here again” he said jokingly.
“Anyways, thanks to you, or else you would have seen me running in here naked.” I returned his joke then I laughed sheepishly. He was quite for a second, blushing?
“Ohh? Why didn’t you?” he said and then we both laughed at the thought. I didn’t bother to ask him being in my room anymore because I’m now getting used to it, he has been doing it for a while now.
“The rain had stopped now” he said.
“Great, coz’ I’m going somewhere later” I said excitedly.
“To where?”
“To my friends’ birthday party, I’m going to get myself drunk” I said.
“Can I come? I’m also craving for some beer”
“Beer or my girl-friends?”
“Of course to drink” he smirked.
“Maybe next time Cizar, this is a get together with my classmates only” I told him.
“Can’t I really come?” he said insistently.
“You really can’t, sorry...”
“Ok, I’ll stay here then, don’t get too drunk, I’ll wait for you.” He said
“Don’t wait for me, I might not sleep in here, better if you sleep in your room” I said.
“Then just let me stay for a while.”

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