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I knocked on the door of my cousin's house, taking a deep breath. I stayed here when I was unsettled. Just so my mom never worried herself about me. She had to worry about so much, she didn't need to worry about me. Not with my soulmate business. "Hey," he smiled softly. "Come on in, I'm just trying to do some research."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Research on what?" I asked.

"What makes a Deviant." Donghun was an analytical mind. He could research any rules and dissect them to quickly find the loopholes to everything. "My friend, he's worried that he's gonna become a Deviant because of what his dad did. His dad and uncle."

That caught my attention. "Oh? What did they do?" Donghun shook his head.

Listen, this might be who I'm looking for. Why is he choosing now to not tell me. "It's better for everyone if you don't know." Why just me?

"Hmm... okay. Well Kim Sehyoon is worried about not being able to fix his Deviant status. He's eligible to dispute it soon, but being around me, he thinks it'll affect the outcome. Got any help for that?"

Donghun hesitated for a second. "Sure. What exactly did he do that he wasn't supposed to do?" He asked.

"Well, it's better for everyone if you don't know." He glared at me. "See how fucking stupid that sounds? Anyway, we were at the hospital together a few days ago. He's not supposed to go to the main hospital or really be outside friends with a Usual." I thought that would get Donghun's gears to grind faster. "Where is he?" I asked.

Donghun went to speak but nothing but bullshit came out. "Channie, I can't."

I shook my head. "Why the fuck not? Okay, that is my soulmate, I have to find him before something bad happens to him!" I turned around to the door, feeling dizzy as I spun.

"Channie, bad has already happened to him," Donghun told me. "Has your vision flashed red yet? It definitely should have by now."

I shook my head softly, holding onto the wall. My chest was tightening. He was having a panic attack. "Help me," I groaned, leaning into the wall. I had a migraine and the room was spinning. I felt like I was dying. When Donghun came up to me, I saw him in red tint. "Fuck, my vision. It's red. Donghun, what's happened to him? What's happening?" Now it was me who was having a panic attack.

Donghun thought for a second. "He's in danger... maybe he said your name!"

I wasn't understanding. "What the fuck are you on about?" Donghun sighed, reaching for his phone.

"If you're in danger, sometimes you can take a guess on who your soulmate is. You can get some colored vision back, long enough to say anything you want them to hear. If you say their name, it triggers them. Sometimes it's a favorite smell, a favorite memory, or panic." Donghun was excited, I was struggling.

I whimpered, wanting it all to go away. "Fuck okay, Yuchan." There was his voice. He guessed my name right... "If you can hear me, go back to the hospital. I'll be outside of the ICU wing. There's a fountain in the middle atrium, meet me there. I hope your visions come to me when you're there. I hope you hear this." The end of his message is what struck tears for me. "I need you, Channie. Junhee needs you."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I need to go back to the hospital. He's there." I sighed.

"I'll drive." Donghun helped me up, grabbing his keys.

I wiped my face. "Junhee. Park Junhee. I was right there, why the fuck didn't I just go in?" I was feeling so guilty. I didn't know what happened, but if he got hurt again, I wouldn't forgive myself.

As we were driving, Donghun finally came clean. "His dad and uncle abuse him. I know you know that. His dad is in the hospital right now for an overdose. Jun thinks that this will put him a Deviant status. And in that case, he won't get a soulmate again, since he's older than 18 at this point. You'd be assigned a new one though, so you would be-" I cut him off.

"I'd rather go blind. I don't want to be assigned a new soulmate and I need to save him. What in the entire fuck is so difficult about that?" Donghun decided to keep quiet. That's what I thought.

He dropped me off at the side of the hospital. I had to make like three different turns to make it to the middle atrium. Was I here before him? Did he leave already? There was literally no one there. Not even the receptionist. "Junhee?" I called. "Park Junhee!" Nothing. Where the fuck was he? I ran outside, looking around. "Come on!" I yelled. "Just tell me where he is!" Anger began to manifest inside of me. Fuck this setup. Just give me him. The winds seemed to get a hold of my anguish, separating the leaves of this bush nearby. As I approached, I heard crying. My vision was starting to come into color. The amber glow of the hospital lights, the red and blue flashing lights driving away. I pulled back some leaves of the bush, unveiling a scared man, crying behind it. There was a glow around him. "Look at me, Junhee." I spoke softly, trying not to scare him.

He opened his eyes, looking up at me. "Channie?" He knew me. I nodded, smiling softly. I looked around before hiding behind the bush with him. "C-Can I ask for you to hold me?" Of course he could. I wrapped my arms around him and a warmth enveloped us. We found each other. We were matched, and we were together. Nothing could change this now.

"It's over, Junhee." I let go of him for a second, putting my hand on his stomach. "All of these things? They're done. You hear me? All of this is over." And he nodded, understanding me.

Junhee wrapped his arms around my neck, crying softly. "Thank you," he sighed. We stayed there for what felt like forever.

Soulmates - k.yc • p.jhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora