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Brokenhearted, I watched as my soulmate began rocking back and forth. "Sehyoon, he's gonna die before I find him... I swear to God if he does, it's over for me." I got up from the couch, finding my way upstairs to go to the room I had here. I wanted to see my mother most of all. Fuck my uncle, fuck my father. I wanted my mother and I wanted my lover to find me. I couldn't even begin to take a step in the right direction, hell, in any direction.

My father and uncle hadn't realized my time was coming. Or maybe they did so they decided it was due time to amp up the treatment they'd give me. For years, it's just been me and my father. He's not over the divorce he had with my mother and how she just up and left us. He copes with it in all the wrong ways, eventually taking his anger out on me. Sometimes, like now, he decides I'm deliberately trying to be disobedient and sends me to my uncle's where he makes me follow the rules. If I don't, my mind is fucked with as I begin to think I'm going to die. Those threats have been becoming more and more realistic. I didn't lock the door behind me as I went to the corner and sat with my back facing the door. After a punishment, I usually hide from my father or uncle and let my brain take me away. The disconnection between reality and fantasy does its best to shelter me from the harshness of what happens.

"Channie, he's not going to die. You'll find him in a timely manner. He's in Incheon right now? Let's go." Sehyoon, I presume, answered. "You need to relax. What if he can see what you see right now? What if he's having a vision?" My soul mate sniffled sadly.

He sighed. "I-I just can't fathom finding him. What if he's too broken for me to fix?"

It was my turn to sniffle. "Please... I promise I'm not. I'm not. Please help me. D-don't give up on me before we've even begun..." I held onto myself tighter, imagining it was him holding me.

There was a loud sound, snapping me halfway out of my vision. "Who are you talking to, you fucking degenerate?" My uncle was furious. I shook violently, holding myself even tighter, to the point of expecting my shoulders to break.

"Oh God, something's happening to him. I feel it. W-Why are they getting more frequent?" My soulmate asked his friend.

Before I could focus on his answer, I was thrown into the bed frame, crying out in pain. "I asked you a question, you worthless piece of shit. Who are you talking to?"

I winced, slowly gaining strength to stand up. "I-I... Myself. I was just talking to myself." I lied, preparing to take the punishment for that.

"You're absolutely ridiculous, Junhee... I'm going to get annoyed with punishing you. You know the drill." Matthew pointed at the door and I nodded, leading the way to the Black and White Room. The Black and White Room was a BDSM couple's dream and a torture chamber for anyone else. By anyone else, I mean me. It held the most intricate torture devices that were legal for commercial use today. I gulped, opening the door, walking into the room. "I'll plug in the wand then start the fire." My uncle didn't usually like to give me a rundown. That was odd of him to do so.

I took off my shirt, kneeling down on the floor in front of him. "I'm sorry, Uncle. I should've studied better. I shouldn't have argued with my dad. I should've toughened up. That's what Parks do. I'm sorry." After going through my ritual speech, I held my head down waiting for him to get ready.

It took a few minutes before I felt him push my head down a bit more. The pink-hot rod scorched my neck, hissing violently as the smell of burning flesh became prominent. I didn't cry out at all. "How high should the wand be? I think we need to go to high today. You've been a disgrace recently." I nodded, holding my head down as the wand was getting lowered and onto my back. "I'll shock you now, you'll give into the other half of the punishment and I'll shock you for three minutes and then we can send you on your way." I nodded, relaxing slightly while the jolts of electricity fired through my veins. I was so accustomed to the shock, I couldn't even pay attention to it.

After a few shocks, Uncle tugged at my pants. I nodded, sitting up a bit to pull out my belt. His hand extended out as I handed it over. Next were my actual jeans and my shirt. I handed each item over to him as he put them away.

I kept myself quiet as my uncle proceeded to let himself do what he wanted to do most for punishment. Me.

I felt disgusted with myself. I wanted to rip my skin off, grow a new epidermis. I couldn't scrub enough to get rid of the gross feeling. "You feel good, baby boy?" He asked, pushing himself up. I shook my head. It was the answer he wanted to hear. "Good, remember this. You seem to forget more and more these days. You'll feel this every time you come back to me." He took the violet wand in his hand, shocking me extensively. I kept my silence as the shocks rushed through my blood.

As quickly as it began, it was over with. I didn't rush to put on my clothes and leave. As I grabbed my bag and headed to the living room, I felt hands grab at my waist. I gasped out, freezing up again. They roamed, reaching all places that were left untouched. Thighs, hips, stomach. "I shouldn't see you here for quite some time. Do you understand me?" His hand groped at me and I whimpered, my body naturally grinding back. I bit my lip to silence myself, quietly cursing my body's reaction.

I nodded, "I understand. I'm sorry..." My uncle let me go and I walked outside, heading to the train station. My eyesight began to get blurry. I stopped for a moment and let out a painful cry. "Please! I don't know your name, except your nickname. Channie, please come find me!" I screamed. "They're going to continue. They're going to use me. T-They're gonna hurt me more. Please come help me..." A long train ride later and I was back in Daegu. My father wasn't there. Two people who were talking were there. One of them looked like my soulmate's friend. My hope was quickly shattered as the two kissed. They'd been reunited. I was still alone. After searching for a while, I did find my father. He was angrier than when I had left him. He roughly grabbed my arm, walking toward the car. "Ow, dad, you're hurting me!" I yelled, being thrown into the passenger side door.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Junhee?" My father questioned. "Look at your pants. You didn't clean up after you were done?" He threw my body into the passenger side door again, breaking the mirror.

I shook my head. "I-It's dirt. I swear. I didn't do it today, please believe me!" My father opened the door and pushed me inside the car before getting in.

I whimpered a bit, waiting. "You still haven't learned anything, have you? I'll finish the lesson when we get home." I shook my head, whispering to myself, crying. I didn't want him to touch me. But it wouldn't matter at all. My opinion didn't matter at all.

Pulling up into the driveway was more nerve-wracking than normal. Usually, my dad didn't have to do anything to me, I'd be home closer to nightfall. Now, he has time to do what he wants to do to me. "You're to be punished, so why the fuck are you enjoying it? Are you that fucking sick, Junhee?" In an instant, I was pulled out of the car through the driver's seat. I cried out before getting a smack to the cheek. My brain slowly began transporting itself to the abyss of nothingness. I wouldn't have to experience anything, except pain maybe.

I didn't remember much of what happened, except standing up and looking down to see a lot of blood. A lot of it. "Dad, please," I mumbled. "T-Take me to the hospi- I-I won't tell anyone... Just take m-"

I guess my dad took me. The next thing I witnessed was waking up to the white lights of a hospital room. Then my vision flashing the receptionist's desk. "I'm looking for a boy, he's in room 503, what is his name?" It was another vision from my soulmate. I glanced up at my open door. He was looking for me. I was the boy in room 503.

I bit my lip, looking at my sleeping father in the chair across the room from me. I decided that I should be whispering the answer to his question. "Park Junhee... My name is Park Junhee." He couldn't hear me and the lady wasn't telling him anyway. "Wait, why do you need to know my name? You know where I am, so come get me. Channie, please."

The vision faded out, but I continued repeating my name and telling him to come get me. Just to be safe.

Soulmates - k.yc • p.jhWhere stories live. Discover now