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"Chan, stop torturing yourself, the longer you wait, the closer he'll be to getting away. You don't want him to be so close yet so far away again, do you?" Sehyoon grabbed my coat and his keys. "Let's. Go. He needs you!" I sighed, getting up to follow him. I stopped walking halfway down the front steps. "What's wrong? Another vision?" Sehyoon came back to catch me if I fell.

I caught a faint image of the hospital hall. Room 5-0-something. "He's in room 5-0-something. I can't get the last number." I tried to focus. I couldn't tell if it was a 3 or an 8. But I chose 3, just to try my luck. "503, come on let's go!" I ran out to the car, getting my phone out and calling the hospital.

"Daegu West Hospital, how may I help you?" The man answered.

I cleared my throat. "Hi, I'm looking for a boy. Well, a teenager. He's in room 503, and his name is..." My voice trailed off.

Sehyoon glanced over at me. "Chan?"

I shook my head, hanging up. I started panicking even more. "I don't know his fucking name." Hopelessness came to stay with me. I wasn't going to be able to get him. He'd be alone until he died.

"Stop it," Sehni said, getting on the freeway. "What do you think his name is?"

I thought for a moment. "I wanna think Junseo... Park Junseo." I glanced over at Sehyoon.

He shrugged a bit. "A good guess. I just hope you're right." I had such a fucking migraine, I was about two seconds away from puking. I really just wanted to save this guy. I don't want love, I don't want sex, marriage and kids. I don't want any of it. I want my soulmate safe. And if that's all that gets done, I'll be content.

"I wonder if he sees in color?" I asked softly, playing with the sleeves of my shirt. "I swear, if it weren't for you and Donghun, I would probably look like Picasso barfed all over my fucking clothes. I wonder what it'd be like to see in color again."

The way this works is quite strange. When you're 15, you lose your perception of color, the world begins to stay monochromatic in grey tones. When you turn 16, you get to start seeing the visions. Those are fully in color. This is when you can start looking for your soulmate. I was 17 right now, I think Jun might've been a few years older? His attire was definitely his own, not a school uniform. He wasn't in high school.

The first vision I had of him, his hands were shaking ridiculously. All I wanted to do was hold his hands, trying to slow the shaking down. He wasn't scared in that moment, he was just shaky. The first time I heard him cry, it broke my heart. When everything flashed a muted red tone, I knew I had to save this guy. I just want to be right.

Getting into the hospital, Sehyoon and I rushed to the fifth floor. We had to find him. "I'm looking for a boy, he's in room 503, what is his name?" I asked the receptionist.

"Shouldn't you know your company's name?" She asked, wary of the two young boys frantically looking for someone.

I shook my head. "I'm gonna sound crazy, I know. But I'm looking for my soulmate. He's in danger. His name is Park Jun... something. Jun. His name is Jun."

She stood up. "I will call security. You two have to leave." I was desperate, I wanted to pay her off, but she started dialing.

"Fine!" I snapped. "Kim Sehyoon, let's go." Sehni's eyes widened, wondering why I just full named him like that.

I mouthed to him, telling him to name me too. "Okay, Kang Yuchan. Sorry to disturb you ma'am." We walked away, completely and utterly defeated.

Getting back to the car, Sehyoon was pissed. "Why the fuck would you name us like that? I fucking had you!"

I furrowed my eyebrows as we got back into the car. "What the fuck do you mean, you had me? If Jun is my soulmate and if he was in room 503, he would've heard me? Heard my name?" It was foolproof.

"Except, you fucking dingus," Sehyoon yelled. "I'm not supposed to be here! I don't go here. The only public space I get to go is fucking school, you dipshit!"

My plan was foolproof... except for him. "Oh my God, Sehyoon." I sighed. I might've just fucked up his life.

Sehyoon laid his head down on the steering wheel. "Maybe I won't get caught, who knows? But I... I saw him, Channie." My jaw dropped, tears quickly springing to my eyes. "He has black hair, an angular jaw line... I can't describe him, but I could've drawn him." If I could fix Sehyoon's Deviant status, I would. There was so much wasted talented sitting there, just because his father was a bad man.

"Can you?" I asked softly. "Don't worry, I can cover for you, I always do."

He shook his head, disapprovingly. "Eventually, there's going to come a point where covering for me will end us both." I shrugged, not too concerned about that day. "I will draw him, okay?" Sehyoon smiled softly. "He's a beautiful person, just from the glance I caught. You're very lucky." When he let that sentence come out, he let some of his sadness come through as well.

I turned to look at him, reaching for his hand. He shook his head, keeping both hands on the wheel. I know he was hurting too, knowing he couldn't ever have what I get to have. "Thank you," I mumbled, looking out the window.

"Those two boys were so fucking annoying?" A gruff male voice came through. Another vision. "Just like you, you'd three get along." We were literally right there. I was right.

I fell silent, trying to take a deep breath. "Channie?" Sehyoon asked, pulling into my driveway.

I let tears fall for once. "He was right there... that really was him. His dad's talking about us being annoying. He heard us."

Just then, I heard a softer male voice. "Channie... Kang Yuchan? Couldn't you hear me? I wanted you to come in. I have to go back home with him. Please, just come save me. I don't know or care how. But please? I don't want to hurt like this anymore." It hurt more and more to know that I was right there. I needed a plan. One that wouldn't hurt anyone In the process.

Soulmates - k.yc • p.jhDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora