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After cleaned the house from corner to corner, Seo let us all go to the park. Well, not let us. He demanded we get the fuck out of his house and out of his sight. He wanted Sehyoon and Jun to take this dickhead away from him before he killed me. It was a silent walk to the park that we were allowed to go to. Officials covered every edge of the park, PSA speakers on plenty of light poles. It wasn't safe to talk here. Everything was heavily monitored.

Sehyoon quietly led us to a park bench that was away from everyone. No one bothered to follow us out there. "Alright," I spoke up, a little too loudly for Sehyoon's liking. He shushed me just as quickly as I opened my mouth. "Okay sorry," I whispered. "But what the fuck is Seo doing to you, Sehni?" I asked.

Jun tapped my hand, telling me not to bother. "What exactly happened with your classmate, Chan?" He asked instead. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Sehyoon comes here to listen to his music. Draw. He doesn't talk out here. No one does."

I glanced over at Sehyoon to see him turn on his music and pull out his sketch pad, sitting on the ground. "Uhm, I was on edge, worried about you. And he came in, ready to bother me and I warned him not to. He thought it was funny that I expected him to listen. And when he asked about my soulmate, where you were, he also said some shit about you not being worth the fight. So I beat his ass." I sighed, taking Jun's hand.

Jun stiffened a bit, losing his gaze toward me. I looked up to see an Official nearby. "Let go." I quickly dropped his hand before Jun reached for his phone.

The Official turned toward another set of people, clearly making out. She separated the two girls, causing each of them to scream for each other. "Let her go!" One of them tried kicking at the Official. That led to her being tased to gain back the control. The scene was terrifying.

"Oh my God," I gasped. "Is this what happens when Deviants get together?" Jun nodded, sitting in silent disgust for the events unfolding.

Three more Officials were flocking to help keep these two girls apart. "It's basically suicide to come out in public and have a public display of affection. And fighting the Officials can lead to death sometimes. They might hit someone a little too hard or tase someone too long, it leads to a life threatening seizure. This is the third day I've been here and the ninth time I've seen them break up couples. I'm convinced that people who do this are trying to die."

Sehyoon took off his headphones. "They are. And I promise you, the Officials are grateful for it. The less Deviants that populate society, the more well off humanity is. Although, they kill us in the most inhumane ways." With that, he put his headphones back on.

We watched for at least 45 minutes. It was insane to me how desensitized they both were. Jun hadn't even been here for a full week and he didn't react to this at all. It took all my power to not jump up and get myself killed too. "It's almost three, Sehyoon."

I furrowed my eyebrows as they both got up. "What happens at three?" I asked, standing up as well.

"School ends, I get the kids off the bus and walk them home." I nodded, following them to the bus stop. We made it just in time.

Aubrey and Marie were the first two off, jumping into Jun's arms. "Hi Juni!" Marie smiled.

Jun smiled back, picking her up. "Hello sweetheart! How was school today?" Aubrey took his free hand.

"It was good! We did painting." Aubrey kept jumping for joy. They were adorable.

Eunseo and Byeongkwan came off next, the latter rushing up to Sehyoon's side. "Uh oh, you have a bad day today kiddo?" He asked, hugging him.

Byeongkwan nodded before pulling away. "Really bad... it was a PE day." Sehyoon sighed, keeping him close.

I shot him a look, asking what that meant. "He's bullies relentlessly as it is, but the boys in PE are ruthless with him." Eunseo pulled out her phone, smiling at her screen. "Is that a smile I see? Who is it?"

Eunseo rolled her eyes. "Just this boy." That wasn't any sort of decent music to Sehyoon's ears.

"Hey," Sehyoon said. "I don't want you dealing with any boys. Or girls. No one. Wait until you're 18, like me." His words were disregarded as she started walking ahead.

Minhyuk and Jooheon were the last to get off. "What's up guys?" I asked, trying my hand in being the person they talked about their day with.

They both shrugged. "Our computer programs teacher literally hates us for no reason. We both got a lunch detention for asking a question." That was concerning to me too. "She probably knows what we are."

As we all starting walking home, I was feeling so oblivious to the world they've been living in this entire time. I still wasn't scared or anything. But I was determined to deflect some of Seo's hatred and physical violence toward me so I could make a report. If I could make a report for myself, they would be forced to ask everyone in the house what they'd experienced. So many hoops to jump through just to protect children. Fucking minors who need all the protection they could get. The adults of the world have no problem fucking up children and creating more monsters.

Dinner was... non-existent. The kids had brought home their lunches from the day to eat. And those lunches never held me even until the end of the school day. I knew they didn't hold them. Seo came upstairs to yell at us for being so loud. "Will you all shut the entire fuck up, eat and go to bed? I'm so sick and tired of you little shits in my fucking house."

This was my chance. "And what are you gonna do if we don't?" I asked, standing up. "These kids are having fun." Seo's laugh was maniacal, followed by a heavy smoker's cough.

"Think I give a fuck if they're having fun?" He asked. "Look here, you white knight motherfucker. Stop trying to save these hopeless fucking cases. Stay in a child's place with the rest of them."

I laughed. "Look here, you miserable cocksucker. Stop trying to act like you're such a civilian saint. You belong in rehab and a jail cell. So you could try being someone's bitch for a change." That was it. One punch and I was out.

When I came to, Sehyoon and Jun were talking, Sehyoon was crying. "He's fucking crazy. This is not my best friend."

I groaned, making my consciousness known. "Chan?" Jun asked. I nodded softly, a pounding headache following the slight movements. "I hope you're okay. Because we can't call for an ambulance. Seo took our phones until morning." I was instantly enraged.

"What the fuck," I snapped. Sehyoon shushed me quickly.

He sighed, wiping his tears. "You're responsive, we can't call. Just promise me you'll stop testing him. I can take what he gives out, I don't need you hurt trying to protect me." That wasn't acceptable for me, but this was Sehyoon begging me.

So I nodded, wondering where the plan went on from here.

Soulmates - k.yc • p.jhOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant