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Another headache. My soulmate must've hit their head. This one was stronger than it usually was. I felt a hand hold onto mine. I looked to my right to see Sehyoon coaching me through another one of these visions. I hated them, simply because of what I'd see. It made me anxious to get to my soulmate. "Deep breath, lay your head down," Sehyoon took his other hand, running through my hair slowly to try to soothe some of the pain.

Screaming filled my ears, masculine screaming. This was odd. Maybe I was getting closer to figuring out who my soulmate was. I've never had a huge hint like this before. I hadn't known if I was destined to be with a male or a female and now I know. Begging was next. "I studied really hard, Dad, you have to believe me!" I jumped as I heard a slap land right next to my soulmate's ear.

"I don't care how hard you studied, you still failed your math test!" The man's voice was booming and largely intimidating.

Next, I heard sniffling and crying. "I-I swear, I tried really hard! I don't understand math! I don't understand which way to shade when graphing inequalities a-and factoring is really hard. So is completing the square. Dad, please. Maybe Mom is good at math! Maybe she can teach me. Please don't hurt me!" My heart broke with every word that fell from the boy's mouth.

I bit my lip, trying to focus enough to piece together who this boy was. "I know how to do this math. Can you hear me? I know how to do it, I can help. Tell your father if you can hear me."

Alas to no avail, he couldn't hear me. "Pack up for Incheon. You're going to visit your uncle." I felt the fear rush through me. It didn't sound good.

"No, Dad! Please, I can handle the belt. I'm sorry, don't send me there!" I saw his father walk away and the entire scene fade to black.

I sat up, looking around the classroom. Sehyoon was the only one next to me. "Let's go to third block," Sehyoon mumbled grabbing our backpacks.

Sehni was a good friend. After I got these visions, he usually watched after me. I had a tendency to self-destruct because I couldn't find my soulmate. I didn't want to find him for my life to have a lover in it. I wanted to save him. I couldn't deal with being on the cusp of a breakthrough just to be knocked back again. He tried to keep me from hurting myself because my soulmate felt it too. I just felt so stuck. His voice, I worried that he'd been talking to me this entire time and I just never heard it. He said something to me, despite not having any driven hope in me ever hearing him. "Soulmate, where are you? A-Am I older than you? Have you not reached the point where you can start looking for me? Am I talking to no one? If not? I beg you to please come find me. Take me away from here. Bring me home. I need you." My soulmate seemed to want to give up. I couldn't let that happen to him.

As we sat down at our desks in our third class, I sat silently, watching Sehyoon slump into his seat. He hated this class. We had the Soulmate Kings, Changkyun and Kihyun, in our class. They were like a husband and wife who were best friends before marrying. Along with that, they were ruthless and evil human beings. I watched in silence as they approached Sehyoon. "Move, bitch." Kihyun barked. "This is his seat today," He said, swiping Sehyoon's supplies onto the floor. Changkyun just laughed, picking up Sehyoon's wallet.

"Awe isn't that just adorable. The little cunt has a picture of his parents in his wallet." Changkyun showed a few people around him the picture. "Why do you have this? Oh yeah, wait... You were sent away from your parents, they were awful. Wasn't your mother a whore? And wasn't your father a druggie? Didn't he ship you off here before killing your mother? Why would you want to remember him? It's pathetically hilarious." People laughed at Sehyoon. "I still don't understand why you're still sitting there. Didn't my lover tell you to move?"

I got up right as Kihyun pushed the desk over, Sehyoon falling onto the floor. More laughter. I grabbed Sehni and his things, moving him closer to me. "Yikes, his boy toy came to help him. I think it's time to call the officials, Ki..." Changkyun wrapped his arms around one of Kihyun's, laying his head on his shoulder.

"And for what?" I asked, sitting back in my seat.

Changkyun laughed. "It's obvious you're pleasuring the punished peasant," he smirked. "Deviants and their descendants aren't allowed a normal life. They don't get soulmates and they don't get jobs they want and they don't get treated right. So stop trying to help him. You're going to end up becoming a Deviant and I just... I care too much for you, Kang Yuchan." Changkyun ended his spiel and sat down.

Bullshit. He didn't care at all. Neither of them did. They never struggled a day in their lives. Their families were rich and pompous, big CEO corporate assholes. Kihyun and Changkyun didn't have any idea how hard it was to hold this label, Deviant. A Deviant was basically the scum of this society. You get nothing and often times the label is given unfairly. Deviants were made to keep people down. Deviants had to often revert to crime to keep themselves alive and their families, if they broke that law themselves. Then their family would be labeled as Deviants and there was no getting out of it. Sehyoon kept quiet in class, waiting until lunch. Where we could hide and go onto the roof to hang out.

"Okay... what was your vision this time?" Sehni asked, leading me up to the roof. "If you can tell me some things, I can continue searching for them." He set his bag down, taking out a pen and a pad of paper.

I sighed, worrying about too many things at once. "Are you okay? What Changkyun said was out of line today and I promise you when we leave here, you won't be an Devi-"

Sehyoon glared at me. "I'll be okay once you tell me about your vision. I'm gifted with this, Channie, don't waste it." He turned his attention back to his pad.

"It's a boy. I'm looking for my husband here. Uhm... he's afraid of his father. He has an uncle named Matthew in Incheon and he's going there. He seems to hate it there. He mentioned something about handling the belt. I've seen him get beat before." I ran my hand through my hair.

Sehyoon sighed. "Any time when? I can always buy you a bus ticket for the same day."

I shook my head. "Besides, I wouldn't allow you to. You need to save. You barely make enough to get by." Sehyoon nodded, continuing to write. We were interrupted by the door to the roof opening.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I-I just came to study for my math retake." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at the boy. His voice matched. His body was covered, I could only assume it was to preserve the privacy of what was happening to him.

Sehyoon had the same idea as I. "Are you looking for a soulmate?" He asked, blatantly.

The boy laughed. "Oh no, no... My girlfriend is amazing, thank you. I've found her." With that awkward encounter, he left, going downstairs.

"Sehni... I-I" I felt my body sway as another vision came my way.

Sehyoon got up and held me before sitting us both down on the ground. "Hello, Uncle..." The voice spoke, tears obviously riding on it.

"Damn it, he's already in Incheon..." I bit my lip.

Suddenly, a sharp pain ran up my spine as my soulmate was slammed into wall. "You've been disobedient lately? Do I need to teach your to do what you're asked?" The scene shook, telling me my soulmate was shaking his head. "Obviously, I do, Jun. You're disobeying your father. You need to be taught a lesson. God forbid you disobey your soulmate. You've always been a submissive one. This shouldn't be that difficult."

I shook my head, watching the immoral erotic scene unfold. "No... no! Jun! You can hear me now, right? Please, kick him. Punch him. Get him away from you." I started having an anxiety attack. "Sehyoon, get me out of here! Get me back! I can't watch this,  please... Please snap me out of it." I cried, closing my eyes, hoping that'd end the vision. Nothing was worse than watching my lover get abused and not being able to do a damn thing about it. Nothing would ever be worse than that. "Oh, God... Jun, I'm coming for you. I promise." I sniffled, crying with him as I came back to.

"His name is Jun?" Sehyoon asked, holding onto me. "Junho? Junseo? Juntae? There's so many different ways Jun can be a nickname."

I shook my head. "The bastard just called him 'Jun' I don't know his name still. But let's call him that for now," I said.

I stood up, holding myself as I realized how much I needed to save Jun. It needed to happen soon.

Soulmates - k.yc • p.jhWhere stories live. Discover now