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When Chan brought Sehyoon down to the truck, I saw how completely and utterly broken he was. "Oh my fucking God!" I yelled, looking at his clothes. His shirt and sweater vest was darkened with blood, his arms shredded as if they had gotten caught in something.

"Jun!" Chan screamed as I jumped out of the truck. "There's a first aid kit in the back, get it out." Sehyoon was hyperventilating, shock setting in for what he'd just done. "Eunseo, Byeongkwan, hurry up and get in the truck for a little bit."

Byeongkwan was panicking, grabbing a hold of Eunseo's shirt. "What's happening?" He asked.

Eunseo opened the back door of the truck, helping him in. "Transferred, I bet."

I grabbed the first aid kit, helping Chan sit Sehyoon on the curb. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my fucking God!" Sehyoon kept hyperventilating.

"Hey!" I snapped, grabbing his attention. "You need to breathe. Eunseo!" I called turning around to the truck. "Is there a paper bag back there?" She reaches one out of the window. "Here," I unfolded the bag, putting it to Sehyoon's mouth. "Breathe in, breathe out." He tried to grab the bag but I shook my head. "I got you, you need to keep them out."

Chan uncapped the disinfectant spray, "Alright, this is gonna hurt like hell, Sehni." Without much more warning, Chan began spraying.

"Oh my God!" Sehyoon screamed, tears streaming faster. I held his arms out straight, trying to keep him from bringing his arms back toward him.

After a few more seconds, Chan threw the spray can back in the kit. "Done! Okay! That's done. All I have to do is wrap your arms, okay?" Sehyoon cried, shaking his head. "Please buddy, just let me wrap your arms."

I sighed a bit, pulling his legs straight out before sitting between them. "Look at me, Sehyoon." I put my forehead to his, lowering my voice. "Okay, you don't have to look at me yet, but listen to me. We're about to be saved. All of us. Aubrey, Marie, Minhyuk, Jooheon, Byeongkwan, Eunseo, you, and me. All of us. We told an official what Seo was doing. They're getting us out." Sehyoon dropped his arms down by my waist, leaning to cry on my shoulder. Chan took that opportunity to wrap them. "No more, okay?" I asked. "No more needing to protect everyone by sacrificing yourself. No more sleeping with your foster parent. No more letting him hurt you. He can't hurt you anymore. I know it's gonna sting. It's gonna hurt and it's going to feel weird. You're gonna feel more terrified than relieved, because you're gonna be waiting for that other shoe to drop. It's not gonna happen." I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. "Do you wanna change your hair when we get to our new home? Do you want to change something so he can start to fade away from you?" Sehyoon took a few deep breaths before nodding.

Chan was done by the end of our conversation and he sat behind Sehyoon, wrapping his arms tightly around him. "I'm so sorry, buddy. I should've noticed. I should've known."

He shook his head. "N-No. You shouldn't have known. It would've only gotten worse." As we were bringing Sehyoon down from his panic, we heard laughter.

"Awe, isn't that so sweet? Chan trying to save the Little Lost Cause." This... fucking douchebag with glasses and light brown hair laughed. The noirette with green healing bruises over his face told me that was Kihyun.

Chan shook his head. "What the fuck did you do to him?" He asked.

I grabbed his wrists, still staying intertwined with Sehyoon and him. "Nothing he's not used to. Just like old times, right baby?" Kihyun smiled.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Chan asked, looking between the two of them.

The first one, Changkyun I'm assuming, laughed a bit more. "Tell him, baby boy." Sehyoon started to panic again. "Tell your best friend how you'd beg for us to help with your grades. Every single midterm and final. You'd pay us somehow. When you're unemployed and worth nothing, you can only put one thing up as collateral."

That's where I wanted to step in. But behind them, Official Shin and Commissioner Chae were approaching. "I'm sorry boys," Shin chuckled. "Am I hearing that you solicited sexual favors? That's quite the Dereliction, Yoo and Im." Seeing all the melanin drain from their skin was satisfaction enough.

"I've heard quite a bit of bullying as well? We've been keeping tabs on you two." Commissioner Chae grabbed his tablet. "Adding in the four years of midterms and finals, in which, I'm assuming you solicited sexual favors from Mr. Kim, you're well overdue for a separation due to Deviant warning status." Kihyun and Changkyun looked at each other, tears springing to Changkyun's eyes. "Uh uh, don't cry now, 'baby boy'. I understand being a CEO's golden child, you've never been taught the consequences of your actions."

After Commissioner Chae typed things out of his tablet, Kihyun and Changkyun started to freak out. "What the fuck?" Kihyun asked.

"I fucking love being a Commissioner." Chae laughed. "You will be rematched with two different people. You may get people who are three years younger. You might get peers. But you will never get each other. Considering your families contribute large amounts to this society, be grateful instead of obliviously privileged that I even let you guys be rematched. Can you see color anymore?" They both shook their heads, holding hands for a second. A shock occurred between the two of them.

Changkyun jumped, "Fuck!" He screamed.

"Good, maybe now you two won't know how ugly your sweaters really are." Chan had to turn away to keep from laughing. "If you two share any romantic tendencies, you will then be demoted to Deviants. Have a good day, get back to class, all that scholarly shit." Chae sighed, turning back toward the three of us. "A van is on the way for you guys. And Sehyoon, I-"

Sehyoon sniffled, looking up at him. "W-Will this affect my appeal?" He asked.

Commissioner Chae furrowed his eyebrows. "Will what affect your appeal?"

He wiped his tears, trying to stop his voice from shaking. "Th-the sexual favors and this... fucking stupid suicide attempt?" He asked.

Chae shook his head. "I'm sorry, what will affect your appeal?" He asked once again.

Before Sehyoon spoke up again, Chan piped up. "You have no idea what he's talking about, do you?"

We both grabbed Sehyoon's hand, reassuring him. "I really don't. Kim Sehyoon is perfectly on track to his appeal. In fact, I'll be working to get the process expedited for both Kim Sehyoon and Park Junhee." Sehyoon smiled, laughing a bit.

"Thank you, Commissioner." The van pulling up in this moment was kismet.

Official Shin and Commissioner Chae went to the van to do a head count. "Aubrey and Marie Jeon?" Present. "Lee Minhyuk and Lee Jooheon?" Accounted for. "Kim Byeongkwan, Kim Eunseo, and Kim Sehyoon. You may all get into the van. Park Junhee and Kang Yuchan, you may ride with me again." As we got up, Sehyoon wouldn't let go of the two of us.

"Come on," I mumbled, leading him and Chan to the truck. "May we all ride together?"

Official Shin nodded. "Hop in."

As we got in the truck, Sehyoon finally sighed in relief, laying his head on Chan's shoulder and holding my hand. Once the truck's engine turned over, Chan and I locked eyes, both of us starting to cry.

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