Chapter 5

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_back at the house_

Amaris' POV

We were idling in the storage room. I was staring holes at the ceiling as I hum some songs I know the tune of but not the lyrics. Aouli was busy giggling and gasping as he read some books Mizuki had recommended while Agni sleeps his fatigue off. He still has that bad leg but he can manage to just limp and walk with some help from us.

I put my hand on my stomach and caressed the wound. I frown as I can still feel pain from it.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings that made me jolt and sat up. I looked towards Aouli as he stared at me, his book resting on his stomach.

"Is it ten?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder. Clocks don't exist in the storage room.

"Wake Agni up, I'll go and see it." I said and stood up. I can hear the doorbell rang once again. Aouli starts waking Agni up as his big brother groaned.

I opened the door and went downstairs. I looked towards the living room to see any wall clock and saw one. It read 9:47.

I frowned and looked at the door suspiciously. The person knocked on the door.

"Hello? Anybody there?" They asked. I hesitated to approach the door but did so just to see this person. I peaked at the peephole and saw a white haired person who had two brown ram's horns.

"Who are you?" I asked. I saw him raise his brows and put his hand on his hips.

"I'm Naoshi Nino. Shoto-san asked me to treat the three teenagers in their house that their children had brought." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows as I backed away and unlocked the door.

"Hello, greetings, I guess." I said. He blinked at me as he looked at my ears and tail.

"I see..." He muttered as he entered the room. I stepped aside as he changed his shoes and entered the living room.

"Shoto-san said that the girl had been injured on the stomach, I assume that's you." He said. I nodded as I went to the living room with him.

"Where are your brothers?" He asked as he removed his black gloves. He put his bag on the coffee table and opened it to get the hand sanitizer.

"They are upstairs." I answered. He grumbled as he put it down. "I guess I'll call them." I muttered and he nodded.

Yes, please, thank you." He said. I raised my brows. I was silent but he can still hear me. I just took one last look at him and went upstairs.

I met Aouli and Agni at the top of the stairs while I was below. Aouli was supporting Agni as they both looked at me with helplessness. I sighed and went towards them and shook Agni's left arm to my shoulders and slowly descended the stairs.

"Careful there, kids." Naoshi-san called out. I still am weirded out by his wide range hearing. I ignore my feelings as we all descend the last stairs. Agni sighed in relief as we walked towards the living room. Naoshi-san watched us as we put Agni on the long sofa. I carefully lifted his leg up as Aouli put a pillow underneath his head.

"That's a bad leg you've got there, young man." The white haired doctor said as he stood up from the lone chair and walked towards Agni. Agni was still wearing some shorts so that the doctor could see it clearly, it made him cold though.

"Get me some chair or something to sit on." He asked as he looked at Agni's leg. I was about to go to the kitchen when Aouli stopped me and went instead. I thanked him as I sat on the sofa beside the long one.

"Okay, you man, what's your name?" He asked while Aouli hurriedly got the chair and put it behind the doctor. Naoshi-san sat at it as he started unfurling the bandages.

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