Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

Naoshi composed himself and stopped gaping. He blinked as Agni slowly lowered his body and sat on the ground. Agni looked at him and nodded his head and Naoshi walked towards him.

"What the actual fuck, man." Bakugo whispered as he grabbed both his husband and slowly back away from them to talk with each

"Hey, Agni looks like that thing." He whispered towards them. Midoriya bit his lips while Todoroki had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Shit, Deku they're...I don't know if they're really dangerous but..." Bakugo bit his lips and sighed. "But they're a victim, we...we should keep them under our wings still." Bakugo said as he sighed. Todoroki glances at Agni who was being examined by Naoshi. The doctor looked at him with amazement as he caressed Agni's beak.

"That explains their wound then..." Midoriya muttered, "We only saw them escape but we never saw them getting injured in that video." He said.

"Maybe someone tampered it." Todoroki suggested. "And the CCTV in that area was melted by the flame."

"No matter what, we will still keep them safe." Midoriya said as they glanced towards them. Agni had their kids under his wings, giggling and snickering as they watched Naoshi check his legs. Agni bumped Naoshi's body slightly with his head and opened his wings to let the kids out.

"Yeah, we better do that." Bakugo said and sighed. They walk closer with their step having a little hesitance. Agni looked towards them and cooed.

"Holy shit, holy shit..." Bakugo muttered as he stared wide eyed, both frightened and amazed by his size.

"You're okay now, Agni." Naoshi said as he patted his neck.

"Thanks, Naoshi-san." Agni said.

"Okay, you're next, Amaris-chan." Naoshi said. Amaris got up as she stretched her arms and changed into a dual colored enormous fox. Her black fur is a little wispy as if some parts of her fur are smoke. Her white fur glows so much, they fear that they will get blind just by staring too long.

"Woah, your enormous size is even more impressive." Setsu said as she walked towards Amaris. The teen's twin tail swishes as she bow her head and allow Setsu to caress her.

"That's so cool." Midoriya muttered as he walked towards her too. Naoshi got there first as Amaris sat on her side to let him examine her wound.

"She's the fox who has that shadow fur, or something like that?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki nodded.

"It seems so." He said as they heard Agni ruffle his feathers. They looked towards him and gape when he started shrinking.

"" Todoroki uttered in shock as they looked down at Agni who was small like a puppy. Bakugo slowly approached him as he crouched down.

"What kinda sorcery..." Bakugo exasperated as he slowly patted Agni's head. "So soft." He muttered and gasped. Agni laughed as Bakugo caressed his wings and head.

'To think that this child is the one who burned that truck.' Todoroki thought as he smirked at Bakugo's rare happy expression and Agni's giggling.

"I feel restricted, Naoshi-san." Amaris said as Naoshi examined her. Setsu was a constant buzz of nervousness behind Naoshi.

"I might remove it and do a rapid healing." Naoshi said, "Do you want to?" He asked.

"Er..maybe sometime." Amaris said, Naoshi nodded in understanding.

"Thanks, child." Naoshi said and chuckled. He got up and walked towards Aouli to see him seated with Mizuki comforting him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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