Chapter 8

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Todoroki's POV

We dropped off Amaris and Aouli in the house after we met All Might then went to the company to settle a few things. As the clock strikes four, we leave the office already and drive off towards our children's schools.

We picked Katsumi up first on the way from home and was surprised and worried when we saw her with a gashed both on her knees and had dirt and mud all over. She was fuming, a scowl on her small face as she crossed her arms and tapped her feet.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly as I opened the door and picked her up. She shook her head as she grabbed my neck tightly and we entered the car. Katsuki looked up at the mirror and scowled.

"Who did that?" He asked, "First Mizuki and now Katsumi?" He gritted his teeth as he grip the steering wheel tightly and drove off. I clenched my jaw as Izuku looked at us in the backseat. Katsumi was sitting on my lap as she buried her chin and face on my shoulder and neck.

I rubbed her back as she just fumed and refused to talk to us. It made us really worried for her. Izuku looks so torn and sad. He bit his lips as he just gave me a piece of candy to give to Katsumi. I lean to grab it, remove it from the packaging and give it to Katsumi. She nearly bit my fingers off as she ate it and got back to her position. I can hear the candy getting crushed and broken by her strong teeth that made me just pat her back and kiss her head to comfort her as I let her anger be poured on a piece of candy.

We arrived at the school of Setsu and Mizuki and waited at the gate for them just like the other cars. Izuku was about to exit the car to find them but we saw Setsu and Mizuki already. Mizuki was marching towards the car with his head held high and a wide grin on his face as he lifted up his glasses. Setsu was behind him, her hands on her bags strap as She smiled proudly towards Mizuki.

"Something good must have happened." Izuku commented as we watched them walk towards us and opened the door.

"Hey, dads!" Mizuki greeted with a beamed but then his eyes landed towards Katsumi who didn't greet them as usual with her glomp.

"Katsumi-chan?" Setsu called, worriedly as Mizuki went up first then Setsu. Their little sister refused to face them as she gripped my neck tightly. It made me choke a little but I just let her and didn't tell her off because of it.

"C'mere..." Setsu said as she patted the empty space in between her and Mizuki. The car drove away but Katsumi didn't budge making her siblings even more worried. I smiled sadly towards them as I rubbed her back, they frowned and stayed silent on the car ride. Izuku looked uneasy at the silence as he tried to break the ice.

"Hey, Mizuki, did something good happen in the school?" He asked softly. Luckily, Mizuki knows how to do that too and starts talking.

"I manage to defend myself!" He started, "They were really persistent on tormenting me so I said that 'at least I can handle my feelings better than you who only feel satisfaction as he torments others!' And I totally finish him off by telling him that heroes would never torment the weak!" He said and giggled. Katsuki cackled, proud that our son can throw some good insults once in a while.

"What happened afterwards?" Izuku asked, a small smile on his face as he both observed Katsumi and Mizuki.

"Well, they were really annoyed, like so much, so when I was going to be hit, I used my quirk to knock them off their feet! Like what I saw Papa Izuku did to a bad guy on TV!" He proudly said, puffing his chest. Like how Katsumi did so when she gets proud too. Setsu laughed beside him as Izuku looked horrified that our shy and mellow son became violent all of the sudden but proud that he got his courage to defend himself.

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