Chapter Six

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I don't know why but I was super hyper and I wanted to go outside most of all. I think I was hyper because I haven't been here in a while. This happened when I came a few months ago. I smiled as I showed them around the house. I would have to get up early again this whole week for dance lessons, cooking lessons, studies, singing lessons, and then I FINALLY have a break. Everyone thought that my schedule was insane but I didn't mind at all. After my lessons the rest of the day would be free time. I was often seen at this time in the garden sketching. I showed them all around the house and outside. Then I showed them the guest rooms where they would be staying. Scarlet appeared at my side.

"Mistress, Robin is here to see you," she said. I smiled.

"Who's Robin?" Amu asked. I didn't answer and ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Robin. Her percect blond hair was curly like mine and she was wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Robin hugged me. I haven't seen her since I last visited. Robin stepped in. She saw my friends and waved.

"Robin, these are all my friends that I've made in Japan," I said. "This is Amu, Ikuto, Kukai, Tadase, Rima, Yaya, and Kairi. Everyone, this is Robin." Robin waved.

"Nice to meet you!" she said making a peace sign. I spun in a circle and dragged her and everyone else to my room. I sat on my bed and smiled.

"Robin is a dear friend of mine. We were childhood friends. Wait where's Lena?" I asked Robin.

"She move to America," she said. I pouted.

"Anyway, would it be okay if Robin stayed with us, at least until We go back to Japan?" I asked. Everyone nodded and I smiled. I stood up and walked outside to the garden. Robin walked outside and stood next to me.

"You know how when you came here a few months ago you kept talking to yourself?" Robin asked. I nodded. "I know why." She stepped aside revealing a Shugo Chara that looked like a hipster Singer. My eyes grew wide and I hugged her.

"Amazing!" I exclaimed. I showed Robin Silph and Sophie and the two eggs. She looked at my egg with the microphone.

"You know that Hoshina Utau is holding a concert for back up singers? We could go and enter as a pair!" Robin squealed. I smiled. I ran inside.

"Scarlet, can you please ready the limo?" I asked her. She nodded. Everyone gathered around me.

"Where are you going?" Yaya asked. I smiled and suddenly looked very determined.

"Hoshina Utau's singing audition!" I exclaimed. Robin and Lacey (her Shugo Chara) walked in.

"Kawaii!" she squealed as she saw the other Shugo Charas.

"She has one?" Ikuto asked. I nodded happily.

"Mistress, the limo is ready," Scarlet said bowing.

"You guys wanna come?" I asked. They all nodded. I ran and dragged Robin to the limo.

"Do you wanna sing our song that we were working on earlier this year?" Robin asked. I nodded. We headed to an auditorium in Paris for the audition. Hoshina Utau was standing outside talking to someone. Amu got out.

"Utau!" Amu yelled.

"Amu? What are you doing here?" she asked. Her eyes sparkled. "Is Ikuto here?" Amu sighed. I walked towards the singer with Robin following behind. Ikuto stood behind me with the others.

"IKUTO!!!!!!" Utau yelled as she hugged him. Me and Robin tilted our heads.

"You know her?" Robin and me said in unison. Everyone nodded.

"We're so behind," we said together.

"Utau, our friends here would like to participate in your audition," Amu said.

"Let's see what you got," she replied.

Author's note:
The song that Robin and Yuki are singing is a song that I like. I was gonna write a song but my mind was blank. Sorry for the inconvenience.

(They are gonna sing She Wolf BTW)

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