Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up and heard a knock on the door. The Director stood before me.

    “Director,” I said bowing. He nodded.

    “Yuki, we have a mission for you. Can you play a violin?” he asked. I nodded and he gave me a chestnut colored violin. I humbly accepted the gift and changed. I changed into a black and white dress. I had my bangs cover my left eye and straightened my hair. I stepped outside with my new violin. I started to play and I attracted a crowd. In the crowd, I saw the Guardians and smiled. I whispered to the hourglass on my chain and it glowed. My violin glowed with X-Energy. I started to play again and I extracted the Heart's Eggs of the crowd and changed them to X-Eggs. I smiled and put my violin away. I lifted my wrist to see my X-Egg dangling from a bracelet chain. One of the girls from the Guardians saw my bracelet and stepped forward. I saw an image in my mind of me hugging that girl and by hourglass glowed. My head started to hurt a little again. I turned back and walked into the Easter Headquarters. One of the girls grabbed my wrist and one of my bodyguards pulled her away. I ran into the building and saw two boys run in after me. I stopped at the top stair and they stopped as well.

    “The dark shall overthrow the light. My heart break!!!” I muttered.“The moon shines full as my transformation completes. Queen of Cards!!!”

    “Black Lynx!”

    “Sky Jack!”

I gripped my head in pain as my hourglass glowed. I stood up straight.

    “As the moon rises, my shadow is cast across the horizon. Full Moon Blast!” I said as small stars and moons came out and hit the boys. I gripped my head and staggered up the stairs. The boy called ‘Black Lynx’ came up to me.

    “Get away from me!!!” I shrieked. I ran inside and huddled in a corner. I held my head and looked at my hourglass it was still glowing and I couldn't stand the pain. Black Lynx and Sky Jack came over. I jumped up and stopped shortly after. My head hurt so bad. I remembered things from my past and quickly forgot. Once the pain subsided, I breathed heavily. I closed my eyes and collapsed.

Ikuto's POV

Yuki collapsed on the floor and I tried running towards her but two bodyguards dragged me and Kukai away from her. Once one of the men moved his arm to fix his grip, I slashed him with my claw and turned around. I saw the Director carrying Yuki and followed him. He placed her in a room, I waited for him to leave, and walked inside. Yuki was sleeping but she seemed to be in pain. I saw a strange necklace around her neck and it was glowing. I slipped it off her neck and she started sleeping peacefully. I looked at her and stroked her head. I softly kissed her lips. I pulled away and she opened her eyes. I looked at her wrist and saw the X-Egg be purified and changed back to her four eggs.

    “Ikuto?” she asked sleepily. I smiled.

    “Glad you're back,” I replied. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

    “Can you explain what happened?” she asked. She then gripped her head. She shrieked in pain and I carried her I saw a glint in the closet and grabbed her normal necklace. I carried her and ran to her house. I placed her on her bed and everyone crowded around her. She seemed to be in a lot of pain but there was nothing we could do.

    “Yuki, don't leave me.... Don't make me worry like last time. I don't like to see you in pain,” Robin said as she began to cry.

    “Kukai, do something!!!” Rima said.

    “What do you expect me to do?” he replied.

    “KISS HER!!!” all the girls but Robin said.

    “Us girls all know that she likes you,” Amu said. I was kind of taken back. She liked Kukai?!?! Suddenly a boy walked in.

    “Damien?!” Robin exclaimed wiping her tears. Damien didn't answer but was too busy looking at Yuki. Her face seemed more relaxed now but she was still breathing heavily. She finally opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around the room and tilted her head. Her eyes landed on Damien last of all. She got up and pouted.

    “Damien, I don't ever want to see you again!” she yelled as she stormed out of the room. Damien looked at her and followed after her.

    “But Yuki!” he exclaimed.

    “I'm actually surprised you called me by my real name than by my stupid nickname!!” she yelled. We couldn't contain our laughter anymore. We burst out laughing. We had never heard her act like this.

Yuki's POV

I walked out of my room with Damien following behind me. I heard everyone in my room laugh. Damien grabbed my hand and held on. I tried to pull away but he had a pretty strong grip.

    “Let go!!!” I yelled as he grabbed my other hand. He kissed me and I pushed him once again. “What's wrong with you?!?” Damien looked at me but didn't answer but walked out of my house. I walked back into my room and smiled. The girls walked up and hugged me. I giggled and yawned.

    “We should let her sleep,” Amu said giving me one last hug. I smiled as everyone left but Ikuto.

    “So......,” he said. “I heard about you and Kukai.” I blushed and rubbed the back of my head.

    “Actually, I'm beginning to second that,” I said. He looked at me. He got up and left the room. I laid in my bed trying to fall asleep. I got up and knocked gently on Ikuto's door. He opened it and turned on the light. I closed the door behind me. I sat next him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He looked at me, bewildered. I smiled. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I got up and walked back to my room. Soon I fell asleep.

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